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I wanted to separate these replies that were coming in from the previous thread. 


My thoughts are that I text by default. I would prefer to call and receive calls, but most people seem to text. It started with the teens, went to the young adults and to us if we stand a chance of communicating at all.


I've tried calling my adult kids and always get their voicemail saying they'll call back...ya da ya da...So, I text if I need/want to keep in touch. I do get or make a weekly phone call from both of them....usually on Sunday nights.


Yes, texting is not as personal as hearing a voice, but it is what it is. My friends usually text...even DH texts during the day to check in. He used to pick up the phone, too. 


IMHO, it's the same as FB, these blogs, Twitter, Instagram, etc. People have decided to stay more private, seem too busy and self-involved and hide behind their gadgets. So, I keep up with the trends.

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I prefer to text.  Simple and to the point, a few texts and you're done.  


The only person I call is my mom; a 10 minute conversation on a good day tells me what I want to know.   

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Friends & family know I do not text.  However, they all know I text through Messages on my comp & I always initiate the text.  I can text my butt off on a real keyboard. Smiley LOL


All of my children know if I leave a message on their voice mail ending w/call me, they had better return my call ASAP or they would have hell to pay.


Now the grands w/cell phones are another matter.  One of them had the nerve to say to me, "Nana if you need to talk, text "911." icon_exclaim.gifI nipped that right in the bud.

The other grands we FaceTime a few times a week.  We both enjoy that more so than phoning.

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I used to hate texting.  But like you, I found out that a lot of people use it now.  More people I know now text rather than call, although I notice more men will call.


I now prefer texting.  I never did like to talk on the phone and I find texting, like emailing, is something that doesn't infringe on the other person if they are busy at the moment.  

The only thing I don't like about texting is when people use too many abbreviations so that I don't know what the heck they're talking about!

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My preference is talking on the phone. Texting has its merits too when you just need a quick question answered and don't really have the time to spend on a long conversation.

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[ Edited ]

@Shanus -

I hear you!


I used to feel the same way, but now,

with some children and family in different states, I really appreciate texting and sending pictures that way; funny things we like to share and we can do it anytime. No worries about if its a good time or not.

Then to catch up when they are able by facetime, at bedtime or whenever they can. I love that too.


For some it is hard to pick up the phone and call. I like to do both now and realize some are more comfortable with one or the other.

I've also realized for families with small children, it is a good way to stay connected rather than not at all.


And there are some that it is good to just talk the old fashioned way, by phone and or mail.


The others, zoom-overwhelming to me, everyone talking at once, kids jumping up and down, facebook-over it, and am not going to do any of the others if I can help it-instagram, twitter, pods, apps all over the place.

I still consider myself half dinosaur,

have good with some tech, but I have my limits too!

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I never text, I always call people.  My friends and family know that I never text. I don't really even want a cell phone but I keep a flip phone for emergencies only but never even use that.  I do not understand people that "live on their phone" and are on it all the time. 

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I always text unless it's something that requires elaboration or discussion or older relatives who don't text. 

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I rarely text and when I do it's a short one-liner. I prefer to leave a message.


My cell phone is off till I leave the house and my family knows it. The people I know just leave a message on my land line if I'm not home. I refuse to be tied to any phone or have one that is my side kick.  Ha!  I guess a lot depends on your lifestyle and how you want it to be. I don't want a phone following me around all day!!!! I don't need a "side-kick". No thank-you.

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1)  E-mail (on laptop/computer)

2) Text

3)  Call


E-mail is my first preference as I hate texting on a phone screen.  It's MUCH easier on a keyboard on your computer or laptop.  About the onlyperson I call is my mom.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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