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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Yock (Betty) is so right. This thread was started by  a great group - one family - and they all left way too soon. It was heartbreaking, to say the least, that an entire family was gone almost overnight. The original matriarch, was  a real hoot - she was ornerier than you know what but I think everyone loved her. Daughter and son in law followed closely. I cannot forget those times but must say we have had some great people on this thread. I am so old now, Betty will never admit she is near or above my age, so what can I say. Everyone please come back and visit.

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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Now Freddie, you know I admit to 50 plus.  

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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Happy Valentine's Day


Image result for heart shaped cupcakes

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Yum!   I already had some from the birds nest but there's always  room for more.  

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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

I know we don't get political here,but in light of today's events I have to make a statement.

PLEASE when the next electione for congress/senate come around,please do your homework and don't vote for anyone who the NRA had in there back pocket.

God bless these children and there families.


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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Epi, I understand your frustration. To me a very simple way to help and do things right is to ban Assault Weapons sales to ANYONE. Those are military weapons, made for ONE REASON only. So simple. I do not believe even police should have them. I come from a military family and my Father, Rest His Soul, was a firm believer  in who should - or should not - have certain types of weapons. Like I said, very simple.


I finally brought some of those good bagels again - also some of that good cream cheese. Suppose to get up to 75 today - just hoping the weather will stay decent for Ricky's BD party tomorrow. He is going to be one happy and escited little boy.


Have a good day one and all. I think they must have put a zillion different drops in my eyes yesterday. They are really bothering me this morning - STILL!! Do not recall them putting so much junk in my eyes.



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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

I agree with Epi and Freddie. No reason assault weapon should ever be available for general purchase. Surely when the congress takes a long weekend they will hear plenty from their base. I think most Americans share our belief. 


It rained yesterday making a deep fog with the snow malt. We are supposed to be cold tomorrow and then turn warm for a couple days.  

Freddie how old is Ricky now. We will be celebrating the twins birthday tomorrow though their birthday was the 11th. My twin will be celebrating her twin great granddaughters 6th birthday.  Our twins will be 7.   Looks like there will be lots of birthday celebrations.


i finally got the gifts wrapped.  I was using up some paper from a school sale and it is awful. So thin. And it doesn't have a line I can follow so the finished cutting required lots of folding. The boys won't care. Lol

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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Winifred,I agree 100% with what you stated.

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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

[ Edited ]

Ricky was 4 yesterday - no one celebrates BDs during the week. LOL. He is sooooooooo excited - both are here driving me a bit nuts but they are excited.


Accidents everywhere out here today - one in Rialto on I-10 - both sides closed for a good two hours now and expected to remain closed another 6 or so hours - BOTH SIDES. Also a mammoth accident in Redlands on I-10 - it too looks messy - both of these areas I travel quite often - was on I-10 in Redlands a few hours back - I guess I made good timing getting back home.  Do nhot believe I have ever heard or seen both directions of a Freeway closed that long. Trucks of course. We have nothing but those distribution centers and trucks are everywhere - why would they not go back to sending things on railroads!!

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Re: Stop by and Chat at the February 2018 Back Fence - nice people here

Belated birthday greetings to Ricky



Image result for boy 4th birthday

I'm leaving a simple egg/bacon quiche for breakfast.  Yea, I took my piece already Woman Very Happy


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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise