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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

@LilacTree   Your dinner guest was rude and certainally needed to brush up on her manners.


All the Italians I know would never try to embarrass the host.  Did this gal actually think all people eat the same way?  I wonder what she would have said to a vegetarian host.


I hope your door hit her on the way out.

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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

@LilacTree wrote:

@MarkeieMark wrote:

My father was Italian, and a chef, we had it as a side dish for practically every meal. Woman LOL


That's how the Italians do it.  Many courses at the typical Italian dinner.  A real story:


I am half Italian, but didn't follow this tradition.  I invited an Italian girl and her husband for dinner once and served turkey tetrazinni, an Italian salad, homemade rolls, a homemade cheesecake, and a great red wine.  I put a lot of effort into it. candles on the table, the whole formal bit.


As I began to serve the dessert, this gal looked at me and angrily said "Where's the meat?"  I answered it was in the turkey tetrazinni.  She was extremely insulted and I must say the rest of the dinner did not go well.  They left right after the dinner and I never saw her again.  




Wow.   I sure wouldn't want to be friends with someone so rude!  You dodged a bullet with that one!

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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

If I were going to make spaghetti (a year round dish), I would use the thicker, chewy fettucini pasta. 


In summer, I make a cold pasta salad with tuna, fresh green peas and I forget what else.  It's perfect for lunch or dinner during hot weather.

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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

@sophiamarie wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

When I grew up, we had spaghetti or some other pasta dish EVERY Thursday and Sunday just like all of my Italian friends.


it's always been a year around dish for me.

@Carmie   In an Italian househole (In New York anyway) we had spaghetti EVERY single Thursday and Sunday.  It was a ritual.  I still do it to this day.  We love our pasta.....

@sophiamarie   I get Sunday being maybe the bigger meal in the afternoon..."gravy" on the stove for hours, but what's special about Thurs. night?


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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

@Shanus   That's a good question and I have no idea.  It was probably a tradition brought over from Italy since it seems Italians in many in states have the same practice.


My whole neighborhood was made up of Italian people.  On Thursday, you could smell the tomato sauce for miles.


On Sunday, Pasta was served in addition to a roast of some sort, not just pasta.  Or, sometimes if it was lasagna  or homemade ravioli served with three different kinds on meat cooked in the sauce....chicken, pork and beef.  We always had a salad one often soup too.

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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

Spaghetti, stew and chili are on the menu year around.  I simply couldn't go without chili all summer!  I can't even think of it!

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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

[ Edited ]


DH's parents in NY had Italian friends for 50 yrs. They went to their house every Sunday. When we went up to visit his folks many years ago, of course we were invited to this Sunday feast. It lasted for hours with one dish coming out of the kitchen after another....and the best bread ever! 

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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

I’ve never been a fan of spaghetti or any pasta actually. Now that I don’t eat ground beef, I can’t even enjoy the meatballs.


I do like stuffed shells but only because of the cheese stuffing. I often push the pasta part to the side of my plate to save room for the cheese. 


What can I say? Not a drop of Italian blood in me. 😉



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Re: Spaghetti, am I the only one?

@sunala wrote:

@dulwich wrote:

P.s. Forgot to say my favorite spaghetti - apart from Bolognaise - is just with warm olive oil & garlic and herbs.

@dulwich - oh yes me too. Spaghetti Aglio et Olio mmmmmmmmmmm 


I'm not a fan of red sauce, but garlic and oil is a winner. It's very delicious eaten cold too. Yummy!

@sunala  Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum! Hot or cold, breakfast, lunch or dinner. For that matter, even as a snack. YUMMY! I hope I made my point! 😉


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