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Re: Sorry To Share....

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Gosh I'm so sad to read this, had no idea she was sick. She hid it so well. She was kind, honest, and helpful to us. I don't think I posted on the threads she was known for, but I read them sometimes.


She must have suffered and I'm at least glad her suffering has ended.


I pray for peace to her family and loved ones

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As others have posted, I too would look at her Outfit of the Day thread even though I never posted on it myself.  Lately, I would often refer to it to see if there were any updates about Andrea. Nevertheless, her passing never crossed my mind.  Thinking of her family and friends during this difficult time.


Thank you @ECBG  for letting everyone know. If you are aware of any charities recommended by the family, please let me know.  Obviously, I do not expect you to give me her full name, but I would like to make a small donation in her memory.

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UGH...I am so sorry to hear this terrible news. 

I had a feeling she was suffering from something serious. 

No words.

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Registered: ‎03-02-2016

Very sorry to read of Andrea's passing. My condolences to her family and friends. RIP

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@Alter Ego 


She loved, loved her cat and he may be a rescue from a video on her FB.  He kept her company since her DH is a over night trucker. 

If you would like to do something, I would suggest something in your area for animals.

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I am so very sorry to hear of Andrea’s passing. I never posted, but regularly read the OOOTD thread she originated. She was an excellent writer with a sense of humor that always shone through. I could tell she loved her husband very much, too. Her positive spirit on these boards will certainly be missed.

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Thank you for posting.


I always admired Andrea’s grace, and her skill with both fashion and words.  She helped me find my favorite coat.


I hope for peace for Andrea and her family.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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I am very sad to learn about Andrea.  I enjoyed reading her posts and looking at the outfits she posted.  My thoughts and prayers to her family.  

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Sorry To Share....

[ Edited ]

Andrea's and my taste in music couldn't have been more different, but I smiled because of some of her picks-of-the-day ... 


Godspeed, Andrea.



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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

I so enjoyed Andrea. Her pictures and her posts. A special lady for sure.  Rest In Peace Andrea.