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Back when I was a little girl, in the 1960's, my Father snored so loud the walls of the house would shake( kidding) but, really loud.  There was nothing called Sleep apnea back then.....he lived with it his entire life Healthy.... and was driving and living on his own until age 98 when he passed away.  


I think this sleep apnea diagnosis is maybe true for some....but I doubt snoring is killing people right and left.   Like anything....some diagnoses are questionable and many times tied to money and who makes the money off the diagnosis. 


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,095
Registered: ‎03-05-2011

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Back when I was a little girl, in the 1960's, my Father snored so loud the walls of the house would shake( kidding) but, really loud.  There was nothing called Sleep apnea back then.....he lived with it his entire life Healthy.... and was driving and living on his own until age 98 when he passed away.  


I think this sleep apnea diagnosis is maybe true for some....but I doubt snoring is killing people right and left.   Like anything....some diagnoses are questionable and many times tied to money and who makes the money off the diagnosis. 


@SeaMaiden  Oh you are so right.   Sleep apnea is bad, but suddenly everyone has it, and needs these machines.   It is a money making racket.  Most people I know that have gone because of snoring all have it, and all got the machines and could not stand them on their faces and don't use them.