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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

hey all

not much here

mowed the lawn it was long grass today after 2 weeks of not mowing.

got both walks in

wearing heart monitor for 2 days, I can take it off at 918am saturday morn. i can not shower while wearing this monitor  i was told i could take it off while showering but today was instructed i had to leave it on for the 2 full days. so have to take a sit down bath for 2 nights.

anyway not much else. later guys


PS just got a call from cardiology group at hospital have an appt. 30 oct 11am this is at the request of my family doc i guess this is his buddy cardio doc.

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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

@Leeny I'm sorry to read that you have an incurable blood condition.  I'm sure by now (Thursday) you are wrung out from all of the grief.  It's not just the grief for the person who died, it stirs up the grief from the loss of your husband.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

@just bee Yea, 2023 has been a real sh*tstorm.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

@mousiegirl  Viva had an incident last month at home that scared the bejesus out of her husband.  It was fleeting however follow up for in depth testing was recommended.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

@viva923   I haven't laid eyes on a holter monitor is years.  Are they still kinda bulky?  I bet it was a PITA wearing that thing and trying to cut the grass.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

@Bird mama wrote:

@mousiegirl  Viva had an incident last month at home that scared the bejesus out of her husband.  It was fleeting however follow up for in depth testing was recommended.



@Bird mama   Thank you, I found the post, and apparently I saw it as I had hearted.  It was scary indeed.

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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

@Bird mama wrote:

@viva923   I haven't laid eyes on a holter monitor is years.  Are they still kinda bulky?  I bet it was a PITA wearing that thing and trying to cut the grass.


@Bird mama   Mine wasn't bulky.

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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

So there hasn't been much going on with me.  As far as 2023 is concerned, this appears to be the year of the nutty neighbor for me.  Honest to God, if you lived next door to me, you would think nobody lives here.  I maintain my property, don't make alot of noise, don't bother anybody.  


I'm the type of neighbor who doesn't care, and I mean that sincerely, what anyone does with their property.  As long as whatever someone is doing doesn't migrate across the property lines - I have no interest and no opinion.  There is one exception - if I hear or see you abusing your animal, I'm going to talk to you to your face, tell you to your face that the law or anti cruelty will be visiting and make sure that you know it was me who called on you.


Other than that - I don't have an opinion.


The witch to the north of me that I shunned in 2007 by installing a row of privacy fence inside of the property line for the most part was out of my life.  It was like my world ended at that fence.  This witch pulled so much cr@p in 2007 that after I installed the fence my Ma said, you know Bernie, if she fell down and was calling for help on the other side of the fence you would come to her aid.  I looked at my Mother and said, Ma after 45 years you still don't know me.  It scared my mother.


So it's not like the witch of the north saw anything but privacy fence for 16 years before I decided to do the entire yard.  I'm convinced she's a disordered person and my fence project triggered her.  That made for an interesting July and August this summer.


Now, neighbor to the south knew about the fence.  She and I discussed it in September 2022. 


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

Story time continued:


Neighbor to the south and I talked about my desire for a privacy fence.  Mind you the chain link fence from the 1960's was rusted and the footings had come almost out of the ground like a new tooth erupting out of your gums.  She said she didn't want a privacy fence.  I said, cool I'll just install it inside of the property line like I did with THAT one on the other side of me.  She said, well no.  I said, you realize that I wasn't going to ask you to contribute as much as a plug nickle towards the fence.  She said, well the current fence is horrilble and you have my permission to do whatever you want.


At the end of July this year she chatted me up (because she needed something of course) and said so how do you like your cocoon.  I said my what?  She said your privacy fence cocoon?  I said I love it - it's everything I hoped it would be.  So her lawn guy had a heart attack and she got the crew who does the couple across the street's grass to take on her property for the rest of the season.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: September 2023 Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

Story time continued


When you buy a house in my neighborhood, your property includes the land the house sits on, land in front of the house, some land on either side of the house or driveway.  I've lived here for 22 years and I live by the credo - property line to property line. I will shovel the entire sidewalk in front of my house so I shovel property line north to neighbor to the south's driveway.


Mind you neighbor to the south has had a landscaping guy since I moved in.  Now, when I am walking with the lawnmower I will cut her grass right beside her driveway since I'm walking anyway.  I don't edge it and I certainly don't touch the little landscaping that she has by the driveway gate.  It's within her property line and I ain't touching it.  Over the years she's basically piled much on a pile of dirt yearly.  As long as she didn't fling any mulch under my yew shrub on that side of my house, I didn't care.  When she did fling mulch, I raked it out and pitched it.  In the last couple of years she's let weeds take over the mulch. 


So at the end of July she says can you get your string trimmer and weed whack this?  I said, your lawn crew just did your grass yesterday.  I'm not using the weed whacker today but I will see if I can get it down with the mower.  She says, well I'll talk to them next week.  She never talks to them so I mow the mulch as best I can and don't worry about it.  I would like to state at this point she's got grown kids and grandkids that visit weekly.


I got rid of the yew shrub this year when Jose took the rest of the trees for the back fence.  So I got my own patch of dirt to worry about.  All of the sudden this woman tells me well if you do anything to yours feel free to do this too.  I said, oh I'm not touching that - it's your property.  She says I go driveway to driveway.  I say well that answers a question I've have for over 20 years - I couldn't understand why you never cut your grass on this side of the driveway.  Then she tells me the former owner of my house landscaped all of that.  I said, good for her - she hasn't lived here for 22 years and I'm not touching it - it's your responsibility.  So she gets mad and I said look - if all that (and I gestured) gets out of control and code enforcement sees it from the street (they drive up and down the block) they are gonna look at the fence posts defining the property line  and come knocking on your door not mine.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise