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@hckynut wrote:




I think this definition of "sensitive" and mine are different. My view of "sensitive" people are those that are bothered/annoyed/offended, and just everything, and most everybody bothers them.


That would be a 180 from me as a person, as very little bothers or offends me. So that "saying" means to me? 





Very well said, John. 

I think people want to claim they are "sensitive" when , in fact, they just can't seem to get along with others.

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I will also get back to the question.  My answer is no. No one tells me I am too sensitive.  When I was in grade school I was shy and sensitive but by the time I got to highschool, I seemed to have changed.  I do think, that, up until that time, I was more of what some call an introvert.  While I think some of that always stays with a person, I believe, we can try to achieve a balance in our lives .  


To tell you the truth, I don't like the introvert extrovert thing. We are people with differences.  Some of us need more quiet than others. Some of us enjoy being around others more often.  We are each "one of a kind", imo.  None of us are perfect but we can try to achieve more balance.  I am big on that word, "balance"!


Labeling yourself or others with introvert/extrovert...... well.... I find it self-defeating for some people.  What I have found in my own life is my attributes can sometimes also be my worst enemies....but that's a discussion for another time. That much I do see.



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I'm an introvert, and a very sensitive one, as well.  I was more so as a child. One of my husband's nicknames for me is Mrs. Magoo (affectionately), because I'm not very observant of my surroundings.  It's true, I'm not.  I think the reason is that I've learned to tune out much of the stimuli in my environment so I don't feel as stressed. I'm not a pyschologist, but I know myself and I believe this to be true.

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Something I dislike is this trend for everyone to hug you all the time. I dislike when people I barely know hug me. Too close for comfort.

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@151949 wrote:

Something I dislike is this trend for everyone to hug you all the time. I dislike when people I barely know hug me. Too close for comfort.

I hate that. I wish they never started that shake hands, say hi and just about hug in church. Makes me uncomfortable.

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I had very good intentions in posting this post, this is my last comment on the subject!!!Smiley Sad

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@Hooty wrote:

I had very good intentions in posting this post, this is my last comment on the subject!!!Smiley Sad

@Hooty. You know how things go around here. EVERYTHING turns into a brew haha. Never fails. 

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Re: Sensitive People

[ Edited ]

Two years ago, we all took a communications course to learn what our communications styles were.  Having this knowledge helps when you are working on teams and groups and in manager/employee communications.


In this training we learned that we all have a primary and secondary communication style.  My communication style is the harshest of all of them for both my primary and secondary.


Basically, I am task focused.  It doesn't matter who I have to step on, step over or push out of the way, as long as I get the task done.  


Knowing how I am and the other types of communication styles (like sensitive people, I forget the specific term for it), I learned how to communicate better with others.  It's something I have to practice every day as it's not natural for me.


But it does help.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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proudlyfromNJ wrote:

hooty wrote:

I had very good intentions in posting this post, this is my last comment on the subject!!!Smiley Sad

@hooty. You know how things go around here. EVERYTHING turns into a brew haha. Never fails. 


That is so very true!


Don't let it get to you, Hooty.   I, for one (for whatever that's worth), don't think you had bad intentions at all.  For the most part people are just discussing and there is always somebody here who wants to either spank you or school you or just completely insult everybody else's POV.  


One of my favorite sayings - like water off a duck's back.  Smiley Happy

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@Hooty wrote:

Have you ever been told that you are way "too sensitive", I certainly have, and people make it sound as if it is a bad trait!


I found this quote, and it is so true:


Image may contain: flower and text

@Hooty, I think, generally speaking, when people denigrate someone who is sensitive it is because they haven't a clue what it actually means to be sensitive. Just remember to take it from where it comes and chock it up to their loss.....


Sensitive people are the best and I don't mean "touchy" people. I mean the word sensitive in the best sense of the word. People who are careful about the feelings of others and very thoughtful.


Thanks for the topic.Heart