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Registered: ‎12-14-2015

I spoke with our  employee a little while ago, I told her  they are being held up with prayer  and hope from many states from people who  were touched  by this.She started to cry, I told her  strength is being  poured out  into their lives. I want  to thank you all again  for this, You are very special friends. Hugs to you,Maryanne 

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Prayers going out for him and his family......

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               Praying for your friend, @Keeper of the koi~      Heart~


     Focus on he not being in pain, with loving angel nurses caring for him and God watching over his family. I am loss for words when  I keep hearing these messages for the very young; all my patients touched my soul when going through this.



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Posts: 579
Registered: ‎12-14-2015

@NAES1, you are a precious angel, Thank you for your prayers.Love you dear friend, hugs.Maryanne 

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Registered: ‎11-18-2012

So sorry to hear that... Sending prayers to them. May they be comforted during this trying time.

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Thank you @Keeper of the koi. Warms my heart that we could give some comfort and gentle ehugs.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,261
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Keeper of the koi

Healing prayers for your friend's husband.  I pray that God will be near and dear to them in the coming weeks and months and provide comfort and peace beyond human understanding.  Our hearts are with them as they face this difficult journey.   

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~