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I am sorry to hear the heart-wrenching news about your DD and SIL.  Please know that our prayers continue for hope and healing.   

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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@viva923   I am so sorry to hear this.  I hope the reason for the kidney failure will be discovered soon.  Is there any other specialist he could see?  Sometimes one must travel to get to the best of the best, if possible.


Your DD's daughter is old enough that if she told a judge she had no interest in seeing her Father, he might oblige her.

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@mousiegirl wrote:

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

@LTT1 , I looked this up and it is preliminary to cataract surgery to remove things to help the cataract surgery be more beneficial.  I pray that everything goes well.  Eye sight is so precious, I'll be praying, Love SC Heart



@Sweet Caroline 1   It is for people who have eye issues that cataract surgery alone will not fix.

Thank you both for sharing info and your interest.

At first I thought I’d need to convince him to get it done.

No, thank heavens, he is using his common sense and plans to go ahead with the procedure in order “to have the best possible eye sight.”

‘So, I’m glad.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

You and your family have so much to deal with right now.



~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010



What do you suppose this means?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Posts: 21,668
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

hey all

really not much here this afternoon. tub is filled to top with water. will fill kitchen sinks (my dishpan and sink with stopper) with water. we are under severe storms possible, if we get told sorry your water will shut off longer than 6 hours i will be hot.


dh is asleep on the sofa he works in a building what you have outside you have inside. we are over 70% humidity today, he is wilted.


making pork roll and tater tots in air fryer for dinner tonight.


i guess you call them horse flies. they are hundreds of them today where they are coming from. they are biting and draw blood and they are huge flies.


ok guys will check in later.

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Viva,   I've dealt with those 'horseflies' often enough,  even ran into some down in the Keys.   Some one call those deer flies, all I know is I'd duck under water when one came near me.   If they got knocked into the water the fish loved it!!


We are having a big problem with gnats here this year.  One of the pages I follow on FB mentioned Buffalo Gnats.  I never heard of those but mentioned the clouds of gnats here and how they just kept trying to get into my eyes, mouth, ears,  biting my skin etc.  Some one suggested tea tree oil.  I don't know much about it but she said she dabbed it on her wrists and behind her ears and it helped last night.  I might give it a try if I can remember to buy some when I go to the store.  


I hope your water isn't off for long.   We had that last year for a day or so and it's a royal pain.  I am constantly washing my hands and I'd forget and put on the foaming soap before turning the faucet on and 'no water'.  Cat Mad

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