09-14-2016 08:32 PM
Just so you know, we have a Body Art Aficianado thread. I started the thread and don't know if I even spelled it right just now.
I'll page you from that thread so we can talk more there.
09-14-2016 08:34 PM
The day I got my tattoo, I was on KP duty the next day in the US Army. I was assigned to wash the big(huuuge) pots and pans. Thus for the best part of my 18 hour tour, my tatoo'd arm was submerged in hot/soapy, dirty water.
Took a long time to heal and I was beginning to wonder how it would hold up. And @Mz iMac, my tattoo is only 6 years younger than you, and it still looks darned good.
As far as care? That's funny! The Army doesn't allow basic training soldiers to have vaseline and the like in their lockers, or footlockers. So my after care? What aftercare.
That's the story of my almost 60 year old, still nice looking, tat. Oh, and my mom about kicked me out when she saw it.
09-14-2016 08:49 PM - edited 09-14-2016 08:50 PM
That's a funny story. Geez, sorry your Ma just about kicked you out. Seriously, doesn't everyone in the military get a tattoo?
09-14-2016 08:51 PM
Thanks to everyone that posted.
I got my tattoo on Monday and it's healing nicely. I wash it 3 times/day with antibacterial soap, pat dry then apply a small dab of ointment. Motherlove Tattoo Care is an herbal product. Contains no petroleum (I'm allergic) no parabens or artificial preservatives. It's very soothing. With so many products available, it gets confusing. I guess the most important thing is keeping it clean & moist.
Birdmama- Congrats on your tattoo, It's AWESOME!! Are you considering getting another tat? I may, not sure yet. So many beautiful designs to choose from, it's difficult to choose.
My tattoo is my cat's pawprint. It's on my left inner wrist. We lost our precious furbaby in July from lymphoma. Sorry I don't know how to post a pic (I'm not tech savvy)
09-14-2016 08:58 PM - edited 09-14-2016 09:07 PM
I've never used that product. In fact I've never used any branded aftercare products. Once it's healed absolutely use sunscreen if it's in an area that isn't covered with clothing. I have tattoos that are 20+ years old that still look good and don't have color fade.
09-14-2016 09:53 PM
Your tattoo artist did a d@mn good job - SPOT ON!!!!
Hope you tipped him very well.
"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
09-14-2016 10:18 PM
Go to the body art thread, lol.
He only charged me $100, I tipped him $40. He originally quoted me $160. I got a guest artist Henry Lewis. My first tattoo and I got Henry Lewis! If he visits again and I manage to find out I will fan out, lol.
09-15-2016 08:08 PM
for what it's worth.
i was told that the dye they use now does not fade with the sun or anything. i would definitely get this verified by an artist. a friend told me this so i can't be sure.