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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day



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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day

Edgy. So sorry that the blasted virus has put a damper on my emotions. I'm just so sick and tired. Woman Sad



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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day

Bored.  I took three days off because I have a lot of vacation time that I must use or forfeit it.  My fault, I wasn't paying attention to my accrual.  No vacations this year, no long weekends so the time built up.  Anyway, this is day1 and I'm already bored.  I had planned on putting my mask on and venturing out to mall to experience Christmas, meeting a couple of friends for lunch.  And then, WHAM!  My state when back to Phase 2 with it's restrictions.  Stores are at greatly reduced capacity which means line to get in.  Not a good time to eat in restaurants even with reduced customers.  So, here I sit.  Doing nothing.

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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day





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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day


Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day

My one word is a bad one------OH S***------DD was exposed to covid at work!!!!!!! that was 2 words.......






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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day

Today it would be "Careful".  We had a couple of inches of somewhat wet snow overnight and the interstates and highways were bogged down with accidents.  So good.  I hear the roads will probably just be wet when I leave work later.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: One Word That Describes Your Day

Good but....MIXED...DH went off to work this morning (I REALLY enjoy my alone time) and I had my day planned out at home...I baked two batches of cookies, cleaned up the kitchen, finished wrapping a couple of gifts that must go via UPS tomorrow..then he came home at 1:30....ha, ha...well yes it is his house as well but I am not productive when he is home...he has no hobbies and pretty much watches tv when he gets home.


He will certainly do anything i ask him to do but at this point in my life, I don't need much help.