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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

It was cold and windy today.  I needed some damp rid so I made a quick trip to the home depot and picked up a couple.  No way in heck was I gonna shop in depth in a store on Black Friday.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

lazy day for me today slept in till 7am and been playing catch up all day long


dh took me to kohl's and i found me a new purse, smaller than my old beat up one but it will do the job, carry around my junk


ok guys later

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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest


I like a woman with a new purseWoman Happy Purses are my weakness. I know that some women don't understand that, but it is what it is. It's been that way since I was about 4 or 5. I wish I could send some photos to prove it. lol 

Today is DH birthday so I have to get things together around here now. Kids are coming over after our pizza luncheon for cake and icecream. I think I'll make a pass or 2 with the vacuum cleaner. 

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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

had trouble signing in again, kept getting that sign in sign in sign in stuff, finallya ble to sign in


not much here.

did chores,did walk

hung 2 loads of clothes on line.


ok guys later

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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

Viva @viva923  glad you were able to pick up a new purse.  I can't stand a small purse and I don't like a huge purse.  I guess I carry what would be called a medium and I prefer a satchel style.  Don't have to be an expensive either - it's one of those things where it click with me or it don't.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

Birthday greetings to your husband @Leeny   Don't stress about buying a cake versus home baking one.  He'll be excited with the pizza and the ice cream and company Heart

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest




Leeny,  Happy Birthday to Mr. Leeny.  Hope it's a fun and good one. 🍰🎈🎂🎉


I haven't had any heat in my house since Friday.  The transformer in the furnace failed and the repair guy didn't have one and not sure the company will have one in stock.   They'll call me Monday when they are open again.   Sure hope there's one out there close by.   It's about 58 in the house now.  Have a small Vornado space heater running in the living room but it such a huge room and open to the upstairs, heat rises, and to the kitchen and dining rooms.  One little bathroom is like an outhouse. so cold, facing north and needing some outside repair which my brother knew about but didn't do anything and now I have to deal with it.   Oh, well,  I have a house for me and my kitties, even if it's way big. old etc.   It's a good thing.   😊🌡🌞😻🌬

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Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of tree and text that says '28 Novembre Page Ephéméride *Seasonal Calendar'

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of animal and outdoors

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Posts: 41,680
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: November 2021 Bird's Nest

Hey @possummink   didn't a part of your furnace go on the fritz a year or so ago?  I certainly hope they can get the part sooner rather than later.  If it comes to it can you take the cats and yourself to your daughter's house?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise