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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude


I too am fascinated with lighthouses! Years back while in Maine I took a photo of a bolt of lightening over the water  beside a lighthouse.  My sis belongs to a lighthouse club and during normal times they would often take trips to see them.  She has some beautiful photos of them.  

Your tour through one seeing the keepers quarters sounds wonderful.  I always love to hear the stories of the keepers lives and their families.


I am so happy to hear that you had a Junco (our favorite) at your house and that you were able to see it.  Yes, I am sure that there are more.  We have them here and even though we are still not allowed to put up our feeders just yet I sprinkle seeds on the ground daily for the birds. They are ground feeders and I have no clue as to what they eat.  When we have snow on the ground here they will eat seeds under the feeders. 


How great it must have been to go out on your boat to Key West and Islamorada.  i do remember that you said that you enjoyed diving.  My husband use to enjoy diving but I never tried it.


I would love to see the Ozarks.  You are very fortunate to have them in Missouri.  Yes, from what I see from your beautiful  photos Missouri is a beautiful State and does look a lot like New England. I hope that some day you get to visit NH, Vermont and Maine. 


How interesting that Mo. State fossil is a sea lily or crinoid.  You are very fortunate to have seen them.


Thank you for the beautiful pics of Mo. 


Thank you for the Anniversary wishes.  I wish that I could send you some seafood stew.


The weather here is getting nice and cold.  We did have a rain storm this evening with high winds.  We sure do need the rain.  The lights flickered several times but we kept the power.


Stay safe and take care.

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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

[ Edited ]



Marriage Anniversary Wishes and Messages |



I just looked at this post - can't see the image so I will add something different.


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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

Speaking of lighthouses, my husband's favorite was Whitefish Point in the upper peninsula of MI.  I visited it with him once.  



Whitefish Point: an Upper Peninsula treasure | TREKERS



Shipwreck Legends Come to Life at Whitefish Point, in Michigan's Eastern  Upper Peninsula West Michigan Tourist Association


My favorite lighthouse was a heck of alot closer Woman Wink


It's the William Livingstone Memorial Lighthouse on Belle Isle.  Brings back lots of memories of when I was a little kid.  Belle Isle is an island just across a bridge off of Detroit


Travel: Belle Isle in the Detroit River is a park paradise for visitors |  Travels with Amy |



William Livingstone Memorial Lighthouse, Michigan at

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

hello all

7 hours worth of apple support/installing new update. it is in, wow,what a huge major step for us non computer savvy people. apple really helped us tremendously to get this new system up and running.


ok guys later

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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

@luvsbulldogs  Have a wonderful anniversary.I will add my 2 cents worth in saying that you are so lucky to live where you do and see the ocean and lighthouses!


I am also lucky to live where we do in Michigan We have the Great Lakes and also a lot of lighthouses.My favorite lighthouse is Point Iroquois in the upper peninsula.


Have a great week all and be well.

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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

Happy Anniversary Luvs!

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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

Birdmama, just saw on the news that they had a homing pigeon auction.  The pigeon that won was sold for 1.2 million dollars.  This was in NY.  Very interesting!!

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Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

hey all

just a stop by,

not much tonight,

just wanted to check in and say hello

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

[ Edited ]

Hi everyone,


We decided on Sat. to start decorating the condo for Christmas even though it is a bit early.  We figured why not.  So on Sat. and Sunday we put up 2 trees and decorated them and then decorated the rest of the condo.  We did not light anything but will probably do that on our Anniversary.  On Monday I cleaned all day.  Now we can sit back and enjoy.


@Bird mama 

Thanks for the beautiful photos of the 2 lighthouses that you posted.  They are both totally different. It is so much fun to learn that a lot of us enjoy the same things like lighthouses. I enjoyed the maps that you posted.  I learned a lot about Detroit and Michigan.  I totally spaced that Michigan has the Great Lakes.  It has been many, many years since I was in geography class which was one of my favorites classes.

Thank you for the website for Anniversary wishes and least I think that is what it is.  Will be going there right after here.  My husband bought me a card even though we had agreed to not buy any.  I am still quarantined and so I was going to make him one and he told me today that he bought me one. 



Thank you for the Anniversary wishes.  I hope that you are doing well and that the weather has changed for the better for you.


@hellie jo 

Thank you for the Anniversary wishes.

Yes, you are very lucky to live in Michigan and have the Great Lakes and it looks beautiful.

The U.S. is a beautiful country to live in with so much to see. 


Take care everyone and stay safe!



@Bird mama 

I just went to the website that you posted and I want to thank you very much for posting it.  I picked out a beautiful Anniversary card for my husband and he will be very surprised.  I feel so much better and am thrilled that I do not have to make one.  Thanks again birdmama you are the best!

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Posts: 41,988
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: November 2020 Bird's Nest - Season of Gratitude

Yea I saw that my image in the thread disappeared @luvsbulldogs   I don't know what to say, sometime the link stays, sometimes it breaks.  I added a GIF instead, lol.


Happy Anniversary Gifs | Anniversary Wishes - Best World Events

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise