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Maybe you need new friends?!   It could possibly be jealousy?  You look great and maybe they think you look better than them, so no compliments.  Dress for you and you know you look good, so hold your head up and out class them all.

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Welcome to my world!  I find once you pass a certain age the compliments STOP, it's age and a fact of life, sorry to say.  So I DO feel your pain.






omg,I am 80 and  that is so not true!

But I would like to agree with another poster on this  thread,be yourself,dress,look ,wear what you like,live whatever way makes you  happy , you will glow and get so many compliments ,because your joy will shine through!!!

Do not be so  needy that you feed on ,grow on, and live for compliments from others,life is much too short for that !!!


I really am sorry that that matters so much to you!

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 I often feel the same way you do.  I think it's partly the world we live in today.  People don't seem to value good grooming as much as in the past.  Just look around and you can see that a lot of folks don't even look in the mirror before they leave the house.  Also, I am older than you are, and I think as you age, invisibility appears, and a lot of people who are older are less interested in appearances.  I don't know, but I feel what you feel, and I know that other than being older, I haven't changed my grroming and looking nice.  I think it's silly when people tell you to change things.  You don't need to change to try to get compliments.

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I do try to give compliments where I can.  However, I do think when it comes to ourselves, we can be the first to give ourselves compliments.  When you look in the mirror, tell yourself that you look beautiful, or that outfit makes you look great. 


Also, sometimes people say things that we do not realize are compliments.  For example, my friend, who is also my hairdresser, was telling me about someone who she felt needed to take better care of her skin, unlike us.  That is a compliment without telling me that I take good care of my skin.  


When you have a situation and someone needs your age and they tell you that you look younger, take that as a compliment and not that they have no idea what people your age really look like.


I think if you really listen to the words people say that you will find that you are complimented more than you realize.  Or, at least I hope so.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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You need to find something unique about yourself and play it up!


I make original knit and crochet sweaters and coats, and assorted accessory items. People (men and women) frequently stop me on the street to comment.  Someone just recently asked to take a picture.


I'm 75, and when I'm not using or wearing one of my "creations" .... I'm invisible.

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Registered: ‎11-16-2010

There are many things important in life but right now you are the important one  You are lacking self worth whether it be in your mind or not  This is my idea  Go to a new hair stylist  Someone younger and ask her for a new hair stye  One that you can handle  Go a little different in the color  Maybe a few streaks of blonde  Nothing drastic   Next go get your make up done by someone  See what you think  Now get out of your normal outfits and buy a lori top  Not tons of ruffles just cool maybe shark or high low etc  No classic old lady styles   Those clothes look rich and high end but we want new  Im just assuming you are middle age and if you are younger better  Your friends see the same well dressed lady with the same well groomed hair in the same high end clothes so they just asume you know you look good but now you go out and they will be blown away and so will you  I am 65 too thin wrinkles skinny arms and legs so I buy clothes that will help all of these issues  I change my hair all the time buy qvcs clothes that are in style and new but still dont shout out  Old lady trying to be young  I wish you could see my friends in my age group  No make up if they arent going anywhere  not one bit of new style etc  I have never gone downstairs in the morning without make up  I get my nails done every 2 weeks and my toes every 2 months  for me  I know it is winter but I see them  Am I a beauty  NO NO NO  but I work with my stick arms and legs  I try to deal with my wrinkles  but I try in every way I can to be seen as a lady in change all of the time  Please tell me what you think  I wish we could do this together  I think I will go get my make up done today  and I would like to tell you that I am hip enough to buy todays jeans with the distressedslits but I hate the look for my age  We have to know where to draw the line  Maybe you could do the look because you would sure look new

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Everyone no matter what age you are loves to get compliments. Maybe you should compliment others and then they will come back with a compliment for you too. Now you may already do that but I do know that some people think if someone never compliments someone else then they aren't going to compliment them.

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Age has nothing to do with it. I'm 62 and I still recieve compliments on my appearance/clothes/shoes, how nicely mannered my kids are, etc.  But, I also give many compliments to my friends and family. I've given compliments to people I dont even know for a pretty dress they were wearing or their perfume. What goes around, comes around.  Even if I didn't receive compliments, I doubt it would bother me. I don't define my self worth by what others think. I enjoy their company, just being with others is enough.

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I never really thought about it.  Sometimes people pay a compliment and sometimes they don't.  I don't keep track.  I know when I'm looking good and when I'm looking like Death eating a soda cracker (like right now).  I do know if I see something that is pleasing to my eye, I tell the person, even if they are a stranger.

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I think as women get older they become “invisible “.

I have experienced this myself. I started to feel it when I was maybe 50. Now I’ve adjusted and don’t expect it.


When I do get compliments it is a pleasant surprise.

I have learned to treat myself very very well, that helps a lot.


If the low self esteem really troubles you, you might consider therapy, to help get you over the hump.


Good Luck.