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I vote for the no frills agitator...Maytag Commercial - can only be purchased at a licensed dealer or Speed Queen based on their older model, also only sold by a licensed dealer.  

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We got new GE machines a couple of years ago (made in the US).   There is no agitator on the washer.    I think they are fairly basic and weren't expensive.


I'm perfectly fine with no agitator.   The washer works well and if I don't get the things in there perfectly at least it can swish them around enough so it doesn't go on tilt.


Also, make sure whatever you buy has an 'extra fill' type of feature because they don't fill up to the top of the clothes anymore unless you have that.   I didn't know about this when we got this one so I'm really glad that I lucked out and it's there.


I called GE one time to ask a couple questions (there are definitely some learning curves with the newer machines if your last one was fairly old) and they were very nice, knowledgeable, and helpful.


That only thing that was a drag was that the booklet for the washer was in a plastic bag sealed up with a packet of Tide.      It was retched.  I'm asthmatic so Tide makes me very ill.   I tried airing the booklet out, outside, for days and it still reeked of the Tide.   I finally just got the manual online so I could read up on a few things.

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Buy what you can afford.  I bought a Maytag pair and I have no complaints, top opening, no agitator and a great deal from Home Depot.



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I prefer agitators.   My main washer is a Whirlpool HE, which gets a lot of use.  I like the multiple wash options and full fill.   The ONLY thing that bugs me about this washer is when a load becomes unbalanced; it seems to take too long to correct itself.   


I agree with @Sugipine regarding Amana washers and dryers.   I bought a set in 2000; the dryer died last year.   The washer started leaking water over 10 years ago and got moved to the basement.  I love the wash cycles and water level choices on this machine more than any other washer I've ever owned!  21 years later, this washer is still going strong, even with a water leak and a bad bearing.   The only thing it's used for now is to wash guinea pig fleece bedding once a week, but it does a fantastic job.  Best $399 I've ever spent!   

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Your guinea pig has fleece bedding!?? How cute. My golden has a faux fur blanky. She wads it up into a ball then tries to lay down on it. So ridiculous cuz then she can't get comfy that!

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There are actually 3 guinea pigs here, thanks to teacher daughter who thought they would be great classroom pets!   And they probably would be if they were able to be in school!   

However, they have been here in my house since October 2019, and it looks like they'll be here until they die.   Due to their size, they have an enclosure set up in the dining room on the ceramic tile floor with a waterproof pad covered by fleece, to cushion their feet.   Guinea pigs make big messes, so we go thru 6 piddle pads a day, and change fleece 2-3x a week, and still their little "Ponderosa" always seems to be messy!   

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Registered: ‎07-12-2020

Get Consumers Reports and read their reviews on washing machines. They are tested. My understanding is a machine without an agitator beats the clothes harder to clean them due to the federal energy savings laws on washing machines. 

Detachment isn't the absence of love but the ability to take care of yourself in the midst of someone else's choices.