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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

House Cat, welcome to our little group!!!!

my gosh, I got out of breath just reading all you did today. Where do you get your energy????

again,welcome and come back soon.

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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

@Bird mama wrote:



Welcome to another month of conversation at the Back Fence. 



My DH and I used to go to a place in ligonier , Pa called Rolling Rock farm. It was owned by a Pittsburgh mega millionaire. Anyway - it looked exactly like the picture here with the fence and the trees. Once as we drove down that road a deer jumped the fence and sailed right over the hood of our car. All we saw was the white underbelly go past the window, and then as we looked to the left he ran through the field.

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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

Good morning, ladies. I'm assuming we're all women here. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


I'm one of those weird people who likes Mondays.  Sure, Saturdays and Sundays are better, but Mondays are kind of nice, too.


I told my oldsters that I wouldn't be seeing them today, barring some emergency. They always seem to find an emergency when I say I'm not coming. I think it's psychological.  Last week was nuts. They had FIVE doctor appointments and lab work.  I need a break. Fingers crossed that they won't think of something urgent.


The weather here is cooler than normal today and tomorrow, but no rain yet.


Wishing all of you a nice Monday. 

~ house cat ~
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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

Good Morning all - I went for my mammogram this morning.  Definitely better to schedule in November versus October.  My appointment was for 8:15.  I arrived around 8 am, checked in and was out by 8:30.  I did my grocery shopping right after since I was a bum and didn't do it yesterday.  Now I am having a decent cup of coffee and watching an old Matlock episode on MEtv. 


For me, the mammogram experience isn't over until I find out if I need 'further evaluation'.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

Morning All, &  a glorious day(s) in store here, will make a run to Walgreen's, then out in the yard to finish up.

Thinking of meatloaf for supper, I really make it for the leftovers, best sandwich ever, will throw in some taters to brown along side.

Hope everyone is doing well & having good weather also.



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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

Here's a November 1 post from  @Winifred



‎11-01-2015 10:06 PM

Seems to me I heard that peanut butter story before Betty.  And yes, Betty is also very unique in her own way. LOL


Can you believe I had to run the AC for about 2 hours today. With the pilot light from the heater - it was miserable.I think this pilot light is much bigger than the other ones. This heater is a wall heater and only about 2 years old.  Completely different set up with the pilot and it sure puts out heat. now on a real frigid day it will not do any good.  Suppose to be cooler tomorrow - anyone want to bet???


My back is screaming at me - sometimes it really gets to me - not often but when it does I just want to scream it hurts so bad. Thank goodness it is very rare but if I stand a lot that seems to do the trick and today was a standing day plus last night took the kids to a church for Halloween and a lot of walking and holding on - suspect last night is the real culprit. Times like this I wish I had a spa!!


Had a good dinner tonight, roast, onion and baby carrots in the slow cooker and sides were corn and spinach - yummy.Got a tad left of the roast and I know it is getting late for some of you but it will keep.


Sleep well everyone.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

Good Morning @spix


Meatloaf sounds good.  When potatos are involved, lol, I like a meatloaf sandwich that has meatloaf and potatos layered on bread.  Carbohydrate heaven :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence

F I N A L Y!  It's raining REAL rain.

summer rain gif

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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence


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Re: NOVEMBER 2015 - Back Fence