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My shoulder is sore from flu shot

Same lady who did it the last 2 yrs., if not more, so I think I tensed up thinking of "needle" when, normally I don't mind.  Just add it to the other pains, right?  LOL  I don't know, but it's sore this year.  I don't think it was the other times.


Do you realize how fast a year goes?  My gosh!!  I use to always say, it goes fast for older people (me now) I'm in that slot now I guess.


Hope you have less pain this year, if and when you get yours.

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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

@qualitygal wrote:

Same lady who did it the last 2 yrs., if not more, so I think I tensed up thinking of "needle" when, normally I don't mind.  Just add it to the other pains, right?  LOL  I don't know, but it's sore this year.  I don't think it was the other times.


Do you realize how fast a year goes?  My gosh!!  I use to always say, it goes fast for older people (me now) I'm in that slot now I guess.


Hope you have less pain this year, if and when you get yours.

There is a line in a Tanya Tucker song "Bring My Flowers Now"

The days are long but the years are lightning

so true for me!



This was the first time my flu shot was painless. LOL I always tense up, but the guy was awsome!

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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

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My flu shot was totally painless .  After it was done, I even asked the guy if he really gave it to me....didn't feel a thing !

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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

[ Edited ]

We have never had any major doubts about our internist, and he's taken care of us for the last 35 or so years, so we definitely have complete confidence in him.


We got our flu shots Monday, no issue at all with when we were "poked" but starting Tuesday, I started to have a couple of unexpected happenings, and I'm wondering g now if they're related to this years' flu concoction.


I played a concert last night, (SO HEARTWARMING- the residents of a local senior care center got a blast of Winter Holiday Music that we're rehearsing and playing outside in the parking lot, because our annual holiday concert is already cancelled), so the circular itchy patch on my arm and a few sneezes and sniffles and a cough or two didn't slow me down, but I DID WONDER if maybe the BIG DOSE shot that we've gotten in the last few years may have been beefed up EVEN MORE THAN USUAL.


IF SO, it's perfectly FINE with me! I find it comforting that in the face of these tragic times we can at least take some tangible steps to protect ourselves and those more vulnerable than we are.


I'm proud to belong to the mask-social distancing-hand washing-FLU SHOT Troop!



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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

This is the first year I didn't have any reaction to the flu shot.  I got the over-65 shot. My arm usually gets a little swolen and sore but I didn't have any of that..  

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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

My arm was sore in the muscle for a few days -- not really bad.  I also got redness and a bit of itchiness.  Anyone ever get this?  I had this once before years ago.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

My arm was a bit sore until the next day and I got a bit of a headache. Don't know if the headache was from the shot for sure, though.

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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

[ Edited ]

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

My arm was sore in the muscle for a few days -- not really bad.  I also got redness and a bit of itchiness.  Anyone ever get this?  I had this once before years ago.  


        My husband and I got it together and this year it was given much higher than previous years. it was on the very top of the arm and today it's a week and finally i can touch the bone without any pain. I do have osteoarthritis so that didn't helpSmiley Frustrated

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Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

Last year, I had some soreness from the flu shot or the first time.  It only lasted a day or two.  It's October so I'll make an appointment for the flu and the pneumonia shots.  I remember my mom saying; the older you get, the foster time goes by.  I didn't get it at the time but I get it now.  

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: My shoulder is sore from flu shot

Our flu shots don't come in until about the middle of this month.  

But I did get my first pneumonia vaccine a week ago.  I had read, and the nurse also told me, that if you move your arm quite vigorously immediately after receiving the shot and for a while afterwards it moves the medication through your system more quickly and makes it less likely for your arm to get sore.  I did that and my arm didn't have any soreness until several hours later when I settled down for the night.  When I was quiet, I did have some muscle soreness around the injection site, but it was back to normal by the next day.


I've never had a flu shot before and am not worried about my arm.  More about feeling sick for a few days afterward.  So, we'll see.