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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

I used to work in Manhattan. One time I got off the subway at Grand Central, and there was a man at the top of the subway crying out "I'm Hungry.  I'm Hungry!"  I bought him a hot dog.   When I gave it to him, he looked at me like I was nuts, put it down, and continued calling out "I'm Hungry.  I'm Hungry!"


Another time, I ran out of the office to run a quick errand.  It was freezing outside... under 20 degrees.  There was a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk, huddled under a blanket.  He wasn't begging.  Just sitting there.  I had left my purse in the office, but had brought a couple dollars.  He was near a pizza place, and I asked him if he'd like a slice.  He said yes, and I bought it for him.  I didn't even have enough money with me to get him a hot drink, so I gave him a glass of water with the pizza.


I don't give out money, because I don't want it to go for cigarettes or drugs.  I do try to help people in need, though.

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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@alarmclock wrote:

@staciesmom wrote:

I live in a rather small town and drive by 2 off ramps daily going to and coming from work - there are almost always men begging for money there. (usually the same 2 men for years) Today I was with a friend who told me that she usually either gives them money or offers food and has even bought food and eaten with one because he didn't want "to eat alone"!!!! I became alarmed and she had all these excuses for him: he was from out of town, didn't know where Salvation Army was on and on and on. I told her i am horrified. Do any of you donate or get involved with people who beg on the highway? I fear for her safety if she did this.

You have to make sure they are really homeless.  We have a local that drives his Lexus to his intersections.  He parks it away from his spot but many have seen him walking to and from the vehicle.



@alarmclock   How does one make sure a person is really homeless?


A person driving a Lexus may be living in that car.


Sometimes stuff happens to good people.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@NicksmomESQ ...we don't need any food, but thanks for caring!

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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@dex ...we have discussed moving out of state many times. We are on a wait list for HUD housing here, so are waiting to see if that pans out. Somehow things always work themselves out the way they are meant to be. Smiley Happy 

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@catwhisperer I hope that you will get the reduced housing soon...maybe if you keep inquiring they will see you have a need and help you get it quicker.I wish I could be more help to you with answers or solutions...sorry that you are having so much to struggle with and no help.

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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@Cakers3 wrote:

@alarmclock wrote:

@staciesmom wrote:

I live in a rather small town and drive by 2 off ramps daily going to and coming from work - there are almost always men begging for money there. (usually the same 2 men for years) Today I was with a friend who told me that she usually either gives them money or offers food and has even bought food and eaten with one because he didn't want "to eat alone"!!!! I became alarmed and she had all these excuses for him: he was from out of town, didn't know where Salvation Army was on and on and on. I told her i am horrified. Do any of you donate or get involved with people who beg on the highway? I fear for her safety if she did this.

You have to make sure they are really homeless.  We have a local that drives his Lexus to his intersections.  He parks it away from his spot but many have seen him walking to and from the vehicle.



@alarmclock   How does one make sure a person is really homeless?


A person driving a Lexus may be living in that car.


Sometimes stuff happens to good people.

You can tell when a person is really down and out.


Fresh hair cut?  Freshly shaved? Clean clothing?  Different clothing?  


Do they have their belongings with them or near by?


There are ways to tell if a person is really on the street or not.


As for living in the car?




It's empty and regularly washed.


People see him coming and going from a nearby subdivision on a daily basis.



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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

A friend of mine told me sometimes those beggars are groups of people.  Some are even paid to do that.


I remember John Stossel did an entire show on people begging and the large amount of money the often get.


He set up begging right outside of his office and the report showed people dropping money into his cup (can't remember what he used).  They never even looked at him, they just dropped money into it and kept walking.


We donate for various reasons.  Reasons too numerous to list here.  


I've donated before.  I've actually called out someone (a very old man) walking across a parking lot one day.  Without getting too descriptive, it was obvious he was in bad shape and need food.  I ran over to him and handed him a $20 bill and walked away.  He yelled out, "GOD bless you."


Once I saw a couple eat at Burger King.  You could tell they loved each other by the way they were sitting and holding hands and talking.


I had just been handed $20 change for my hamburger.  I just walked over and said, (paraphrasing), "Do something or buy something silly with it".


Now I've heard, "I'd have been insulted".  I say, "I only wish someone would hand me $20 with no strings and tell me to do something silly with it".  No one has EVER given me $20 just to do about you?


It made me feel good.  Which is one of the reasons why people makes THEM feel good.  Selfish?  Probably.  

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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@ItsME I had a lady stop her car while I was walking to ask me for money for food.She told me she was diabetic and could feel herself crashing.I had no money with me but I did have a wrapped kind bar in my pocket so I offered it to her.She told me she didn’t like those and drove away....In my mind if her crisis was real she would have eaten that bar.

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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

@Annabellethecat66 @I love your silly money idea.I bet that young couple will never forget that surprise and hopefully someday pay it forward.They may not have needed the money but I am sure they had some fun spending it and thinking about how sweet you were to do that.

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Re: Men Begging For Money at Highway Off Ramps

I donate money to our local feed-the-homeless charities. Years ago, when I was in Paris, there was a homeless man begging on the street with his dog. After a few days, I went to a nearby grocery store and stocked up on dog food and treats, I gave it to the man. If I had given him money, I don’t know how it would have been spent. In our country, the disparity in incomes and lack of job security can lead to people falling on hard times for the first time in their lives. Since I don’t know the personal stories of people, I feel more comfortable donating to charities that focus on the problem...and it’s a big one!