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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

Lynnster67 ~ When signing up, I calculated the numbers for the vision and dental plans. They didn't add up in a favorable way for the patient. In fact, they were a horrible rip-off. I decided it was much for feasible to pay out-of-pocket for my dental and vision exams and whatever work (or glasses) needed. In talking with statisticians, they all agree I made the correct choice. Those high-dollar monthly premiums for dental and/or vision "insurance" fail to cover much other than the basic exams. When major costs arise, that policy is worth next to nothing in most cases if written in the past 20-30 years. Be very careful what you sign; read the small print!


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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

@BirkiLady wrote:

Lynnster67 ~ When signing up, I calculated the numbers for the vision and dental plans. They didn't add up in a favorable way for the patient. In fact, they were a horrible rip-off. I decided it was much for feasible to pay out-of-pocket for my dental and vision exams and whatever work (or glasses) needed. In talking with statisticians, they all agree I made the correct choice. Those high-dollar monthly premiums for dental and/or vision "insurance" fail to cover much other than the basic exams. When major costs arise, that policy is worth next to nothing in most cases if written in the past 20-30 years. Be very careful what you sign; read the small print!


What you say is true.  It's good to check  with your dentist to see if they offer a discount or other means to pay for your care.  My dentist offers a Smile Club.  You pay $200 a year upfront and that entitles you to two cleanings and up to three fillings and x-rays.  It also includes a discount on other services such as crowns, etc.


He doesn't advertise this club to the public, but it is available to his regular customers if they don't have insurance.


it doesn't hurt to ask.

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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

It is critical,to be aware that the Federal,government requires that all companies that offer supplemental Medicare policies offer identical coverage within the different plan levels.  IN other words if you decide that a Plan F is the plan you want then all the health insurers must offer the same coverage for Plan F.  THe only difference will be the cost that different insurers charge for Plan F

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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

[ Edited ]

Coverage may be the same in WRITING, but the buyer must BEWARE. When signing up for a supplemental policy be sure to check out the company before you sign on the dotted line. Make sure it is a reputable company that pays their bills in a timely manner! You don't want to be stuck with overdue finance charges or have your credit rating destroyed due to a company which isn't highly rated by hospitals and physicans, the BBB, etc. Make sure the company has been in business for a LONG time with a history of paying their clients' medicals claims! Cost isn't always the best incentive when it comes to supplemental insurance. History of the company rates highest IMO; the client gets what they pay for when they need that insurance. 


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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

[ Edited ]

CARMIE: What a great DDS you must have! I have an appointment in November for a check-up and cleaning. Have already made a note on my phone to help me remember to ask about such a plan. If my DDS doesn't offer such an option, perhaps he may do so! (I have seen a payment plan with an interest fee available in his office. Didn't even bother to pay attention since I don't do payment plans involving interest rates. Would guess he won't respond positively. I'll give it a try.) Thanks for such a great suggestion.

PS: Your DDS isn't making anything off his Smile Club. I pay $135 for a check-up and cleaning every six months. Had a very, very small cavity filled (without any novacane) earlier this year for $160. Cannot imagine how he offers discounts on anything else. How does your Dentist cover his overhead and pay salaries? I'm so impressed with him and his generousity! Give him KUDOS from Lincoln, NE.


I'd have to go into 2015 checkbook register to give you the cost of my crown and a bridge. It was thousands . . . almost enough to buy a small vehicle (a cheap one). But it nearly killed me. Did I have a choice? Nope. I paid for it to keep my health intact. In my middle 60's I finally buckled down and began to floss! Smiley Happy


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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?


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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

@chrystaltree wrote:

@Nicknack wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

If you can afford it, fine.  If you cannot, others opinions are not relevant.  It is a personal decision based on individuals circumstances.



This is something that "has" to be afforded in one way or another. It's either have a supplement or be on Medicaid. One illness or injury could wipe out every cent you have, without a supplement. It's playing Russian roulette not to have it.


Some Medicare Advantage plans have no premiums.

A very large portion of the elderly live solely on social security.  If they cannot afford it, they cannot afford it.  They just do the best they can.  Why would anyone want to judge or humuliate others due to their financial situation by saying this is something that they "have" to get one way or another when it is simply not an option.




Did you miss the last sentence? You know, the one that says "Some Medicare Advantage plans have no premiums?" I also mentioned Medicaid. Many people who must live on SS cannot afford supplements and are on a Medicaid program. Many qualify.  I clearly gave suggestions with no cost. How is that humiliating someone? I pointed out that one can indeed get a supplement that won't cost them anything, and that it's extremely important to have it - AND that if you can't afford premiums there are still options. 


I'm pretty sure there a people who fall into that "gap" where they aren't eligible for a free supplement plan but can't afford to pay for one themselves.  


@chrystaltree  Medicare Advantage plans have nothing to do with whether you qualify.  They're available to anyone who is eligible for Medicare.  There are many with $0 premiums.  Anyone who can't afford a Medicare supplement should definitely look into a Medicare Advantage plan.


        If anyone who is on Medicare can get a supplement for free....why would people pay for those plans?????   That would be like burning money.  Like buying a car when anyone who wants one can get free one.  So, obviously there are qualifications and some people won't be eligible.  



I write this to answer your question "if anyone who is on Medicare can get a supplement for free...why would people pay"


From my experience in a large metro area in Alabama with many choices of doctors and hospitals, one of the Medicare Advantage plans (and there could be more) do offer a $0 premium plan.    I don't know if the law requires it or if it just for the benefit of those who can't afford to pay for a plan.   My late husband chose a $0 premium plan because he had little assets other than his monthly income from SS.  He was diagnosed with lymphoma and received assistance from the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society.


People who pay get more benefits.   Like anything in life.   If you can afford a Lexus, you get more perks than someone who can only affort a Chevy Spark.


If you would like to look at that plan, I can post the link but it's only good in Alabama, but it will give you an idea how it works.

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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

I would think paying the monthly premium for a MC supplement would be a little easier than coming up with copay on each DR visit, RX, hosp stay, etc..Some Drs will take new patients with supplements when they will not accept MC patients w/o supplements. I have always had a MC supplement and it gives me peace of mind when I need medical care..YOu family member knows their financial situation and if they can afford copay, their choice..

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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

I'm just a 18 months away from Medicare.  I wouldn't dream of going without a supplement.  Medicare pays only 80% of most bills.  Do you pay for a supplement or that 20%.  I'd rather not have the giant bill if I'd need hospital care.  My parents pay very little in medical bills with their supplement.  i'm hoping there are more options for dental and prescription coverage when I get to 65.  

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Re: Medicare supplement - YAY OR NAY ?

It is definately worth it! Medicare only picks up ,they say 80% I think its less,so again you need supplement insurance,it more than pays for itself!!