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[ Edited ]

While channel surfing last night I ran across PBS featuring John Denvers life story and his wonderful songs he recorded!!  Immediately the tears came to my eyes when I heard "Annie's Song" and all the memories it brought back of the 70's when I was much younger and raising my children and enjoying that era!  Along with that were the memories of the clothes my girls wore and their cute hair parted in the middle and the 2 ponytails they wore more to the side and hanging down the front of their top!!  I would play his music all day on my long play soothing!!   Wish we could bring that kind of music back again!!  Did anyone else see the show?

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I've seen that special before. John is my absolute favorite! I've loved him since hs and was lucky enough to see him in concert many times. My youngest goes to West Virginia University and he is like a God there. They play Country Roads at graduation, orientation and every sporting game win. We were at the last football game and I was literally crying. He came up on the big screen (he opened the stadium) and everyone sang along to his recoding. A whole new generation.....

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Hello Newgate,

......"I have always thought that John Denver was such a sweet man and that his voice/music was like no one other; although, I was not exactly around to appreciate him at his peak, I truly never heard one song of his that did not move me emotionally. Also, his greatest and only love was his wife, Annie, I never understood what caused she to leave him. Remembering back, I did research to know they wanted children more than anything during their earlier marriage years but that was not to be, so they did adopt. What happened after that- has almost been a mystery I will never understand. He loved her more than his own life and the song, Annie's SONG was written by him for her as a token of his sincere and devoted love he had for her. I did not see the PBS show that you speak of, but have seen others. Tell me what you had learned from your viewing. I just never 'understood' what went the other direction?

    Wonderful hearing that someone else enjoyed a person, an artist like he, that I feel we will never have again. 


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I listen to his cds all the time when in my car along with Bob Dylan. They are nothing alike but still enjoy both their folksy unique style of one sounds like either one of them or ever will!

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Years ago I was in Aspen about a mile from his beautiful ranch and we were sitting around a fire singing "Rocky Mountain High"....I'll never forget it. RIP John.

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He was sweet and so was his music.  He was a big activist for sea life.  He was very involved with Jacque Cousteau.

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[ Edited ]

@NAES1 wrote:

Hello Newgate,

......"I have always thought that John Denver was such a sweet man and that his voice/music was like no one other; although, I was not exactly around to appreciate him at his peak, I truly never heard one song of his that did not move me emotionally. Also, his greatest and only love was his wife, Annie, I never understood what caused she to leave him. Remembering back, I did research to know they wanted children more than anything during their earlier marriage years but that was not to be, so they did adopt. What happened after that- has almost been a mystery I will never understand. He loved her more than his own life and the song, Annie's SONG was written by him for her as a token of his sincere and devoted love he had for her. I did not see the PBS show that you speak of, but have seen others. Tell me what you had learned from your viewing. I just never 'understood' what went the other direction?

    Wonderful hearing that someone else enjoyed a person, an artist like he, that I feel we will never have again. 


Oh my goodness...he had a major alcohol/anger problem.  He reportedly assaulted/choked her AFTER the you know there was some anger before the divorce.   He went to rehab, had wasn't pretty.  It was speculated he also had depression the point many think his plane crash was a suicide.


All that said, I still appreciate his music.  'Fly Away' with Olivia Newton John is my favorite.   And 'Rocky Mountain High'...such an angelic voice...but there it ends. 

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I loved his "Sunshine on My Shoulders" song so much I named my kitty Sunshine in 1973. A true poet and artist.

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He had such a stunningly beautiful voice!   I have all of his music on CDs and on my iPod.   I'm not one for country western-type music (like not at all), but I could listen to him for hours.


A few of his songs, especially 'Annie's Song' make me cry every time.

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

@sidsmom wrote:

@NAES1 wrote:

Hello Newgate,

......"I have always thought that John Denver was such a sweet man and that his voice/music was like no one other; although, I was not exactly around to appreciate him at his peak, I truly never heard one song of his that did not move me emotionally. Also, his greatest and only love was his wife, Annie, I never understood what caused she to leave him. Remembering back, I did research to know they wanted children more than anything during their earlier marriage years but that was not to be, so they did adopt. What happened after that- has almost been a mystery I will never understand. He loved her more than his own life and the song, Annie's SONG was written by him for her as a token of his sincere and devoted love he had for her. I did not see the PBS show that you speak of, but have seen others. Tell me what you had learned from your viewing. I just never 'understood' what went the other direction?

    Wonderful hearing that someone else enjoyed a person, an artist like he, that I feel we will never have again. 


Oh my goodness...he had a major alcohol/anger problem.  He reportedly assaulted/choked her AFTER the you know there was some anger before the divorce.   He went to rehab, had wasn't pretty.  It was speculated he also had depression the point many think his plane crash was a suicide.


All that said, I still appreciate his music.  'Fly Away' with Olivia Newton John is my favorite.   And 'Rocky Mountain High'...such an angelic voice...but there it ends. 

Didn't know exactly what happened except that he was divorced and that his death was thought to be a suicide!!  Thanks for filling us in a bit!