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Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

I have someone working for me that absolutely refuses to admit to ANY kind of matter how small. He is a grown man and it makes him sound like a 5 year old. Other employees laugh at him behind his back....Do you know anybody like this?

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Sounds like someone I know.

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

@Goldengate8361   O.m.g. when I worked I knew so very many people like this , unfortunately.  


Also one family member who could never bring himself to say  ‘whoops, messed up’  he will just walk away cannot ever say he made a mistake but will always point out errors made by others. 


Excuse font ipad doing it itself cannot change it!

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

I know one who can only say, "Sorry, BUT..." and there's always an excuse to follow.  

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Yep. A co worker said something last week that was so totally disturbing I was stunned.


When I replied OMG🤤, she said it was someone else's idea. Really, it was.

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

I've known a man for 40 years and not one time in those 40 years has he said "I'm sorry.",  "My fault",  "My mistake",  "Excuse me for making a whoopsi".....NOTHING.           It really changes how you feel about someone like that.   We are all human  and make mistakes.   Saying I'm sorry and admiting your mistakes makes you a wonderful person that is a joy to be around. 

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

yup, stepdaughter is this way. 

 Never her fault. always quick to blame someone else.  

last time i was helping with a water change on her fish tank. i was in charge of turning off the faucet when she signaled. 

i'm in the adjacent room, and the water in the sink is going full blast, (she Knows i'm hard of hearing) 

You guessed it. my fault i couldn't hear her say "now".  

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Yup.  I'm sure we all know someone like that.

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Yes, like all of you, I know several people like that.


But just as equally frustrating are people who would say, "Yes, I'm at fault"; then turn right around and mess up the same thing in the same way.


In other words they way too readily admit fault like it rolls off of their lips too easily.....


That frustrates me to no end.  I'm like, "Look!  If you know you're the one messing up over and something about it....and let's move on".  


Same game...same mess ups...over and over.

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

My father was like that.  I never heard him say he was sorry or admit he was wrong.   It was very hurtful and I thought about it for a long time.  Very likely no one ever told him they were sorry when he was growing up.