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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

This is so funny.  I just said to someone yesterday, "When it did it become completely unacceptable to say my bad or I guess it's not what I thought it was?" 


Sometimes being wrong is an excellent thing to be.  

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Yep....plenty over my lifetime!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Yes, I know many people like this, and like most others I just accept it and move on.

However, the one person who drives me totally crazy and I have argued with more than once about it, is the person who is always "sorry" for everything, but keeps doing exactly what he is forever apologizing for! His behavior never changes. Last time I confronted him, I said I'd like to rip his *$%@ tongue out so I didn't have to hear his meaningless apologies anymore!
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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

So many.

Many just can not "own" anything.

They are always right, never wrong.

What happened was not their fault or responsibility.

They just avoid any consequence of any actions.

They walk around with their invisible halo.

If you work with one avoid any interaction when it comes to producing results and pencil mark their contribution, ironically they think it is because they are so great!

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

I have someone working for me that absolutely refuses to admit to ANY kind of matter how small. He is a grown man and it makes him sound like a 5 year old. Other employees laugh at him behind his back....Do you know anybody like this?

One famous person comes to mind.

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

I don't personally know this person, but someone much front and center, comes to mind. 

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

@SXMGirl wrote:

I think we all know at least one person just like that.  I always think that it is very sad that they have no idea how we feel about them in that regard.  I believe that you should admit to your mistakes and learn from them.

I really admire/respect a person who can say, in effect, "Oh wow, I really blew it! I'm sorry and I'll try to do better next time."

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Re: Know anyone who can't say "I messed up" or "I'm sorry"?

Dulwich:  We could be related.............


Always critical, never apologizing for cutting remarks.


It's an 'agenda', so to speak.


Somewhat obsessed with someone (me), with a one track mind. 


Strange, to say the least.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).