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My sister (as well as my husband) helped me a lot after my fall 3 mos. ago.  She was a life saver.  

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The last thing was just a few minutes ago our grandson wanted to know if we needed him to come over and shovel snow.  We have 4" and more is coming.  He never asks for anything in return.  He is in his 20's, has a full time job, is a volunteer fireman  and has a steady girl....but always finds time to offer his help and asks for nothing in return....well, maybe one of grandma's thick ham toasties!!


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My husband continuously does nice things for me.  I am very blessed.

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My DH.


I can’t toot my horn about too much these days but DH is truly a blessing to me.

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You did, @butterfly123, thanks, it uplifted me to think of nice things people do for me, and reminded me to be nice to others...These are good posts!!!!!!

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Beautiful post.


My kind neighbor has brought the garbage cans in for me. No small feat as we have very long driveways.

I bring them in when I return home from work and a few times they were already put away.


Thanks Ingrid!

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@butterfly123 wrote:

@blackhole99 wrote:

@butterfly123  I'd like to know what you get out of asking a question like this?


I don’t understand your question. I was hoping the answers would uplift others. 

@butterfly123  I was wondering if it makes you feel good to read what makes others feel good.

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Re: Just For Fun 🌹

[ Edited ]

1. Friend who picked me up at the ER, took me to Walgreens and went in to get my pain meds while I stayed in her car, then she took me home and made sure I was safe.

2. Another friend (male) who went to the Impound Lot to clean out my vehicle and remove the license plates. We didn't know about their rules. He had to fill out a form, have me sign it and I contacted my attorney who notorized it. He then returned to the Impound Lot with the completed (notorized) form and was able to access my car. That was to keep theives from removing personal belongings. 
3. Family who cut short their vacation in Orlando and returned home upon learning of my injuries.

4. Another friend who took me to the Ortho Surgeon. She listened to him and asked great questions! 

5. My son for selecting two vehicles and sending a couple of pictures. I chose one and said, "SOLD". He went to my safe deposit box (he's always been a co-signer) and removed the title of my totaled vehicle. 
6. My friends and neighbors who have grocery shopped for me.

7. My son who has vacuumed and stopped to check on me!

8. Family, friends who have called or emailed and this group of Q-Forum friends who have continued to check on me. I'm grateful for the outpouring of support and kindness. It makes an unfortunate situation much more liveable knowing others care! Heart 

9. And so much more!

Money screams; wealth whispers.
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My DIL (with my ok) bought tickets for an American Doll event at a local theatre.  She and I attended the event, with my little granddaughter and her doll, named Bella.  It was a sweet and happy event.  We met an amazing little girl in a wheelchair, who did speak clearly with difficulty, who also brought her doll.  We went out after for an early dinner at a place GD chose.  Pancakes!  And it was a day I was feeling quite well, as my DH later told me he had prayed for.

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@butterfly123 wrote:


@butterfly123   DH gave me a nice back rub last night after 12 hrs. of packing boxes at Mom’s apartment. He did give me a suspicious wink afterwards, but it didn’t work...I was asleep within 2 minutes! 😜