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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

@Bird mama  Now that you mention it,I did see some last week. I am not happy. All week they have been cutting down trees in the woods behind us.All I can think of is all the critter homes being destroyed.Of course have not seen any deer this week.

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

@luvsbulldogs wrote:

We went out for an errand the other day and we took the back roads and I saw this.  It is an old apple orchard with several old buildings on it and this little pond.  The apple trees are off to the right and not in the photo.   It seemed so peaceful. I asked my husband to stop the car so that I could take a photo with his cell phone.  I think they are lily pads in the little pond.




@luvsbulldogs   Beautiful!

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

@Bird mama wrote:

Has anyone else started to see fireflies?  I saw them in my backyard twice last week and I don't know why it seems early to me.


In a minute I'll be hearing crickets, lol.


@Bird mama 

Lightning bugs have always fascinated me. They have a unique story all their own.


Bernie,  I've been seeing lightning bugs here for about 3 weeks now.   We have a lot of them and some even get into the house.  I don't know how they do it other than the small gap between the floor of the back porch and the screen door.    


It's really weird when I turn off the lights or turn them way down to see lightning bugs lighting up the dark dining room or living room.   I catch them when I can and put them back outside.     Several of the trees outside seem to attract more of them and it looks like a Christmas tree with all of the beautiful twinking golden lights. 



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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

hey there

not much here today.


had a thunderstorm roll over us about 10 minutes ago, it wasn't strong but we got some heavy rain showers.


did get both walks in.


have chicken stroganoff for dinner tonight, scratch recipe.


not much else. Will try to check in later

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

hey all

Just a good night knock, see all tomorrow

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

Possum, beautiful picture of the horse and baby. Adorable.


Haven't been around much lately. Just getting through

a day seems to have become a big challenge. Have got to find some help - not easy to do but am sure I will. Davey has moved out again - I sure wish he would grow up. So sad as he got that school diploma and has just sat back on his posterior. I understand it may not be as easy as it was some months back but he just would NOT even try. Pretty sad in my book and neither his Mother nor his" Dad are doing anything at all to help him see the way.


Hope all had a marvelous day.

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Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

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Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: June 2020 Bird's Nest - Welcome New Life

@Winifred wrote:

Possum, beautiful picture of the horse and baby. Adorable.


Haven't been around much lately. Just getting through

a day seems to have become a big challenge. Have got to find some help - not easy to do but am sure I will. Davey has moved out again - I sure wish he would grow up. So sad as he got that school diploma and has just sat back on his posterior. I understand it may not be as easy as it was some months back but he just would NOT even try. Pretty sad in my book and neither his Mother nor his" Dad are doing anything at all to help him see the way.


Hope all had a marvelous day.



Hi Winifred,  I sure know what you mean about just getting through the day.   I seem to get less and less done each day and am happy just to get minor things done, like cleaning the cat boxes, feeding the birds,  watering my plant.  It took me forever is seems to get all of the houseplants outside for their summer 'vacation'.    I need to cut the grass, but waited for rain so I wouldn't create a dust cloud to rival the one from the Sahara that's over part of the Southeast now. 


I'm sorry that Davey has moved out again.  Are you home alone now with Miss Blackie and Ditty?  I hope I got his name right,  my mind has been so full of what's going on with my losing my brother,  the stupid virus and it's effects on our lives,  etc.   I hope Davey will come to his senses and realize he's letting his life just muddle along with no aim or sense of responsibility and purpose.   


 Such very unsettled times we are living in now.   I'd love to go  back to the time after WWll when things were so much simpler.   Didn't have as much, but didn't need much to be content and live a peaceful life.   I wish my kids and grandchildren could have that simple less hectic  life.  Such awful turmoil in our Country.   Sad for so many.  


Take good care of yourself,  rest and take things easy.   Be well and safe! Heart