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May be a cartoon of text

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hello all

had an incident this morn,scared me.


dh got ready to go to work, he hit the new car alarm to open the car up and the alarm began sounding and would not shut down. he tried everything nothing worked. after about 2 minutes,the alarm shut down he was able to start car and go to work. he has to go back to dealer tonight to tell them about this incident to see how they can remedy this, we must have woken up all the neighbors at 5 am this morn.


did normal chores,

did morn walk

our trash was not picked up  yesterday called trash company for our town gave them the into will we get trash picked up who knows. there are bags all over the streets corners 


ok guys later.

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@possummink wrote:



These are fascinating--I've never seen anything like them before!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: July 2022 Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

Catching up on posts.


You know @viva923  it amazes me that someone is able to mess up impressions with today's impression materials.  I'm old enough to remember when the dentist made up disgusting impression material in a plastic bowl.  It was a powder and I think he added water to it and it was that puke pink color of that stuff that they used to toss on messes in grade school - looked like sawdust.  Man am I going back.


Anyway, that impression material was sloppy back then and almost guaranteed to make you gag no matter what tooth was being crowned. 
The impression trays never fit your mouth right and it was something you dreaded.


Today it's nothing like that and I would know since almost every tooth I got has been crowned or permanent bridged.  I'm sorry that your beloved has to go through it again.  We all got our pride and it's not easy walking around without your front teeth. 


I'm glad you read them the riot act.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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@viva923   I understand your concern about the alarm misfiring on the car.  As far as it waking up your neighbors?  Girl, don't even worry about it.  Your neighbors have cut up over the years and causes a ruckus that disturbed you and everyone else. Woman Very Happy


Could your garbage pick up have been delayed because of the Independence Day holiday?  My garbage pickup is usually Tuesday but the company had Monday off so pick up was delayed by one day.  They came by and got mine on Wednesday.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Whoo I am finally clearing up from hives.  I think the whole thing started around June 24th or June 25th.  I've had this happen once before on my right arm - started with a bug bite or sting and like a twit I scratched it and the area between my wrist and almost the bend of my arm flared up.  It almost looks like cellulitis.  After having something similiar happen every single time I got a covid shot (4 times now) I recognize it as an immune reaction.  I've read that folks with autoimmune thyroid disease can get hives and let me tell you I had random hives on different parts of my body.


You might be wondering - Bernie wouldn't you want to know for sure?  


Not really - 20 years ago doctors would be inclined to take the conservative approach.  I don't have cable so I see lots of ads for medicine on over the air antenna TV.  The trend seems to be a biologic to suppress one's immune's system and I ain't going there at this time.


Thanks to maybe 3 anti-histamines a day and slathering caladryl on the itchy spots, I'm finally healing.


Then my dryer decided to cr@p out.  Well, it still runs, but there is no heat.  I have a short clothesline in my basement and have been limping along with the line and 'air dry' on the dryer.  We know I am a wash woman and you might wonder, how are you not losing your mind?


The entire pandemic experience has put lots in perspective for me.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Continuing my thoughts ... didn't want to lose my thread so I'm breaking this up.


We had a really nice day yesterday for line drying outside.  It's hot and humid today however this weekend is gonna be beautiful for line drying.


I thought about just treating myself to a new dryer.  I now know why the guys from Sears refused to install the dryer I bought in 2007 - the gas line doesn't meet new code.  My brother in law installed the dryer back then because my husband had just died and I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.


My gas line is stiff copper that looks like this.  


Gas Pipe Size & Materials for LPG Propane, & Natural Gas Installations


Now, as long as you use a couple that is flared on one end for the copper line and threaded on the other end for the dryer, there is nothing wrong with this connection.  That's what my brother in law did and millions of Americans have.  The new code is a flexible gas line like what I put in when I replaced my gas cooktop in 2020.


How to Install a Dryer Vent in a Tight Space


As I sat thinking about this in respect to a new dryer I thought, hmmm Bernie do you think you could repeat what Paul did or do you need to call a plumber.  I thought about the 10 minutes of work the plumber did for my gas line that cost me $200 bucks in 2020 when I wanted a new shut off.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Even though I am a do it yourselfer, sometimes I just don't want to bother with it.  I know me though and said, do nothing until your mind is clear.  Right now you are frustrated with these flippin hives.


So, today I put new batteries in my husbands multi-meter and said, today is the day. I unplugged the dryer, removed the bottom panel and tested the thermal fuse, thermistor, flame sensor thing and igniter.  The thermal fuse and flame sensor thing had continuity which is what I wanted and the thermistor was showed Ohms like it should.  The igniter was dead as a doornail.  I ordered an igniter from Sears Parts Direct and should receive it by the middle of the week.  Fingers crossed this solves it.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise