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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

My eye MD is the one who did both cataract surgeries - he is a genius. He gives a thorough exam and I mean thorough - I like him because he is also a surgeon and many are not. Some eye MDs cannot do anything to your eyes except prescribe glasses. I could be wrong but I think mine is an Optometrist. Several different kinds of eye MDs I found out a few years back as I use to think you see one you see them all. How wrong I was.


Freezing out here - Rarely, if ever run my heater but I think since the little girl is trying to come down with a cold I may leave it set up a little bit - usually turn it off at night. I did not last night and even I slept better and I do NOT like heat at night. Very heavy winds almost make it a lot worse so those winds beating up against the house - feels like they come right thru the walls. Brrrr. Ripped a blind to pieces - the one I use in the carport. It is in shreds - forgot to roll it all the way up - sometimes I am really dumb.


Hope all had a great day.

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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

Noticed that while I commented on the BD wishes, I did not say thank you. Shame on me. Preds, love the cute things you find.


Still FREEZING out here - was hoping this morning there would be a sign it would be a tad warmer. Hopefully it will be but when I went out for my newspaper there was not sign of it. LOL


Where are all our back fence buddies that use to stop by and chat - sure do miss them. Now to be perfectly honest also miss the great snacks they would bring. Hmn!!!


Have a great day everyone!!

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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

Another cloudy day here in my neck of the woods.  It's cold enough during the day to form a thin layer of ice on top of the water bowl outside.  It was frozen solid this morning.  Since we finally hit a dry day - first in 2 weeks, I hurried up and cleaned up the old seed husks off the pavers under the pine tree and the patio.


I ran a couple of local errands that included mailing a birthday card and making a drop off at my local Salvation Army.  


I know, how can one person handle so much excitement, lol.


It's been a good day, getting little things done around the house that I put on my Bernie do list.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

It's cold here too 28 out right now.  I will soon be off to mass ,and then dinner.  It's encouraging to see twilight ,when church lets out, instead of total darkness. The worst is behind us ,as far as the darkness goes. But it really has never bothered me much.


Some people really get blue, when they don't get a regular doses of the sun.  I find the overcast days kind of cosy. 


I'm pleased your eyes turned out so well @Winifred.  I have cataracts , but they aren't big enough to worry about yet. I would like to get them  done, and not to have to worry about them at all, but , I don't think they do it like that

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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

Pickins were slim at the movies this morning.  We decided to see M. Night 

Shyamalan's new film SPLIT.


"Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities, and must try and escape before the apparent emergence of a frightful new 24th."


I enjoyed the film.  It's not your typical kidnap, psycho kind of film.  I found it thought provoking.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

Got some weeds sprayed today - haven't done that in several years as we have had no rain. We have had a lot recently so out back in the South 40 my preferred nothing but dirt acre is covered with green stuff. I keep it completely clean as too much to mow and I am always afraid of fires. I could not get a lot done - I guess things are hitting me right between my eyes as I have never had trouble doing it but had trouble breathing and my arthritic hands do not work very well. Shannon offered to finish - she said she did but did not use any more weed killer so there is no way she sprayed it all. Always something with that female - I told her to put her hulking 16 year old out there - of course not, he is so rotten. Oh well. Guess I should be thankful for small favors.


Very little wind today although we are still under a wind warning but I am not complaining. That wind goes right through me.


Got to church this morning and NO ONE was there. So weird. So I got to putting out food - we always have a ton of food to put out, coffee was made by Bill as he comes early to open the building and heat it as best as possible. Then in a matter of minutes - AFTER THE SERVICE STARTED - lot of people showed up. In fact far more than we have usually had. Weird. That church is weird about attendance however, very few ever get there when it starts - never have figured that out. I mean some come in half way thru the Pastor's sermon. Huh?


Hope one and all had a good time today - and am leaving grapes - they are really good ones!!! Dig in.



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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

It's cold and there is light snow on the ground.  I am happy now, it looks and feels like winter.  I'm busy at work, which I don't really mind - they pay me by the hour so I might as well be doing something right?  The end is in sight as far as my mortgage goes - it should be done by my birthday in August.  Sometimes I get frustrated by the lazy people around me.  I wouldn't care if I didn't get stuck with their work on top on mind.  Whatcha gonna do?



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

@Winifred wrote:

Got some weeds sprayed today - haven't done that in several years as we have had no rain. We have had a lot recently so out back in the South 40 my preferred nothing but dirt acre is covered with green stuff. I keep it completely clean as too much to mow and I am always afraid of fires. I could not get a lot done - I guess things are hitting me right between my eyes as I have never had trouble doing it but had trouble breathing and my arthritic hands do not work very well. Shannon offered to finish - she said she did but did not use any more weed killer so there is no way she sprayed it all. Always something with that female - I told her to put her hulking 16 year old out there - of course not, he is so rotten. Oh well. Guess I should be thankful for small favors.


Very little wind today although we are still under a wind warning but I am not complaining. That wind goes right through me.


Got to church this morning and NO ONE was there. So weird. So I got to putting out food - we always have a ton of food to put out, coffee was made by Bill as he comes early to open the building and heat it as best as possible. Then in a matter of minutes - AFTER THE SERVICE STARTED - lot of people showed up. In fact far more than we have usually had. Weird. That church is weird about attendance however, very few ever get there when it starts - never have figured that out. I mean some come in half way thru the Pastor's sermon. Huh?


Hope one and all had a good time today - and am leaving grapes - they are really good ones!!! Dig in.



@Winifred  Maybe the people who come half way through the sermon are coming for the food alone, but know they can't just show up after the sermon is over.




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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

[ Edited ]
  • IVery cold here today.  Wind chill is 7 below.    It's quite windy.  Still nasty grey out. We had snow last night but just a dusting.  Enough to mess up the car.  No appts the day. That's good.  Still trying to get my hair cut closer to my doctor appt Thursday.  Friday we have a joint appt with cardiologist.  He's a fun young man. 

We had a weird bill come to the house from Redi med.  at first I thought it was from a collection agency but turned out their bank is on Collection Drive.  The bill was for Merle and it was for an office call in June 2014.  We were scratching our heads.  I said I think we were there but don't know why.  We seldom use Redi med.  so I called.   She said it was for insect bites.  I remembered then we thought he had shingles. Doc said he did but didn't write diagnosis.   The gal in billing was very nice. She said this bill is all wrong.  They were changing computer system at the time and thought customers were receiving bills. Then they found a bunch in pending. At the same time they were having problems with United health.  Sage said this is all wrong. Just don't do anything and I will get it straightened out.  The bill was $140 so if they had many like that they should be in the red.  Always something. 

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Re: January 2017 Back Fence - COME ON DOWN

Hello all, I left some coffee and hot chocolate at the fence plus some butterscotch biscuits (love these).


Image result for butterscotch biscuits


We got a couple of inches of snow last night and are having on and off again flurries.  Guess I'll be shoveling when I get home from work today.  The two handled Snow Joe shovel that QVC offered before Christmas really does help with back pain, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise