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Re: I used to believe this saying

[ Edited ]

Our grandson had a bully from the time he was in elementary school.  The boy was just mean.  My DIL spoke to the mother several times as situations would arise.


One day, GS was walking in the hall when he was pulled back by his book bag by the jerk.  Our GS turned, the boy tried to choke him; GS brought his arms up under Jerk's arms, freed himself, and threw Jerk to the floor.  Our GS sat on Jerk until the principal came. 



It was ALL caught on camera!!!



Through those years of school, our GS's parents met with Jerk's parents.

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Re: I used to believe this saying

i think bullying in schools should have more stringent consequences. i'm all for appropriate punishment, especially when parents know what their kids are

doing and some even get in on it. it's a fact that that happens. 

so sorry you had to go through that at a young age. i firmly believe that bullies are the ones who are insecure and unhappy, and i believe in karma. 

i hope you can move past it completely. you sound like a nice person, and being that, you're already a winner 

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Re: I used to believe this saying



Thank you.  I think the buck stops with the parents.

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Re: I used to believe this saying

[ Edited ]

@juanitalinda wrote:


I was the ugly duckling growing up and was the kid that everyone bullied.  

My parents always told me 


'Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you'.


Now that I am an adult, I realize that verbal abuse and bullying leave more scars than the broken bones I suffered as a result of the bullying.  


The bones were easily reset and splinted and healed, but the pain from the painful words was not addressed.  As an adult, I struggle with the long lasting damage.


I hope  as a society we have come to recognize bullying and verbal abuse as capable of long-lasting harm.  


I don't know why I posted this .... just read the phrase this morning and it triggered a lot of old childhood memories. 


To me, saying that to a child is a cop-out, and extremely hurtful. It might help to have a talk with that sweet little girl, and tell her how much she is loved. Childhood trauma never really goes away. 🩷

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” -Mark Twain
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Re: I used to believe this saying

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@juanitalinda As a very young child I learned that words DO hurt. A lot. And can have long lasting effects. 


I kept this is mind while my son was growing up and never did to him what was done to me.

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Re: I used to believe this saying

Unfortunately social media has rendered that saying meaningless.  It is just heartbreaking what some kids and teens suffer online.  And peer bullying in school doesn't seem to be getting much better, perhaps because adult incivility has also been increasing.  I don't know what the answer it or if there even is one.  Just that it's a shame.

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Re: I used to believe this saying

Sorry you were bullied during childhood. Hope you are doing well now.

My dad was in the Air Force so I lived on Base so that's where I went to school. I'm so glad I never saw any bullying in the schools I attended. 

I watched a show a few months back that is about bullying. I didn't know that was what it was about until after I had watched it. Sad movie. Everyone should watch it so if they are a bully they can see what they are doing.

Can't remember the name of it. 


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Re: I used to believe this saying

@juanitalinda when I read "The bones were easily reset and splinted and healed, but the pain from the painful words was not addressed" my heart sank.


I cannot imagine the physical and emotional pain you endured. Their are some hurts that can never completely heal.


Bless you for all you endured and prayers that others will not have to bear the same.

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Re: I used to believe this saying

 All the bullying - yet another reason I believe in homeschooling.

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Registered: ‎04-19-2022

Re: I used to believe this saying

Words can start wars and words can end wars and bring about peace. Words can break hearts and words can mend hearts. ❤️