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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

@Desertdi wrote:

I received an electric pencil sharpener as a wedding gift............

they figured nobody else would have given this to you as a gift LOL original LOL!

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

@Desertdi wrote:

@Daisy wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

I received an electric pencil sharpener as a wedding gift............




Thanks for the laugh! Too funny!


Did you get use out of it?

@Daisy Sunflower    Ummmm......NO.    I also got an electric meat of those BIG ones that they use at the deli counter....................

The more I keep reading this thread the funnier it is here LOL a giant meat slicer too LOL!!!!! 


You know it sounds like these relatives were cleaning out old/past gifts and re-gifting to you to clean out the clutter LOL!  


Truly original way you got a duplicate (right?)

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

recently I went to weddings/showers for baby and wedding....the one wedding had that honeymoon fund thing...I didn't pick anything on the list...just put in the any amount cash as we would have given a check as a gift anyway.  I didn't mind that one...then I had a baby shower...they wanted you to not buy a card with your gift but give a book instead and sign it for the baby.  I thought that was fine too....but they also asked for diapers and if you brought a pack of diapers you would be in some raffle for a prize LOL!  That's a new one.  Then the father of the baby had a party called it a diaper had to bring a pack of diapers with you!  It was a diaper grab LOL!


These were on my Husband's side of the family....neither of my nieces did any of this...maybe it's a new trend?  


I got a set of plastic serving spoons as a wedding gift....I knew this couple very well...they were really really broke...I didn't mind...heck still have the ladle and use it alot LOL!  


I only have a few items from my wedding shower....a knife set in the wooden block...and the plastic serving ladle....that's all that survived 28yrs ago!

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

I think just giving cash is fine. What I found appalling is them telling people to give them cash or set up a crowdfunding for a house.  What they do with any cash is their business. But to specifically ask for it to go to a house is ridiculous.

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts


Sounds perfect to me. They are sensible and on the right path.

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

Here's a concept: sacrifice.

MY DS and his lovely bride were married this summer. They bought a nice single family house in a very nice neighborhood prior to the wedding. Where did the $ for the downpayment come from? Living in their respective family homes for two and a half years after college. They sacrificed travel, fun etc. and worked side hustles in addition to their full time jobs. They are paying student loans and had to replace old starter cars but did it the old fashioned way- they earned it.

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

@tsavorite wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

I received an electric pencil sharpener as a wedding gift............

they figured nobody else would have given this to you as a gift LOL original LOL!

Well all I can say is if you and your spouse went from your parent's home to your home for the 1st time, without ever having lived on your own the way we did 43 years ago then even a pencil sharpener was needed sooner or!😉

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

[ Edited ]

heard a similar story on the news tonight. couple getting married is charging each person $203.00 per person to attend their wedding and each child $67.00 .

the bride told the news that people are actually paying to attend this wedding. The news did not say if the people attending were also giving gifts.


I would never charge to attend any wedding, party, any kind of gathering. I would offer to help pay for something (family only parties) to help allveiate the cost of the party. I would give what I could afford.


I paid for my own wedding. it was 47 yr ago. my parents wouldn't pay for anything (long story as to why they wouldn't pay).   I purchased what dh and i could afford. we had the reception at the church hall, and small dinner was for 10 people later that evening. it was a very nice event.


all these weddings for $10,20,30 thousand dollars is so wrong. Simple is so much better, use the money not spent on an over top wedding and purchase a house,car what ever the 2 of you would need to begin you life together.

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

What is funny about this if they use this money as a down payment on a house quickly after the wedding the bank will require documentation of every check or cash that was given to them.

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Re: I have seen it all now regarding wedding gifts

@tsavorite wrote:

recently I went to weddings/showers for baby and wedding....the one wedding had that honeymoon fund thing...I didn't pick anything on the list...just put in the any amount cash as we would have given a check as a gift anyway.  I didn't mind that one...then I had a baby shower...they wanted you to not buy a card with your gift but give a book instead and sign it for the baby.  I thought that was fine too....but they also asked for diapers and if you brought a pack of diapers you would be in some raffle for a prize LOL!  That's a new one.  Then the father of the baby had a party called it a diaper had to bring a pack of diapers with you!  It was a diaper grab LOL!


I think we were at the same baby shower!