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I feel like I got punished.....

Granddaughter was supposed to come over to bake cookies yesterday. I got my laundry done early and my dusting and sweeping so we could have a fun afternoon.

My daughter called me an hour before she was going to come over , telling me she "talked back" when she was asked to clean her she was being punished by not coming over....


I understand that she needed to be punished and my daughter and SIL are good parents, but I feel like I got punished too....LOL


They live close and I do see her I guess baking will have to wait for another time....

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

Rats.  I understand your disappointment.  She must have been looking forward to your visit together!  Well as you said, another day and time.  

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

In my opinion, your daughter did the right thing.  I'm sure visiting with her Grandmother is her number one thing to look forward to and am also sure your granddaughter will think twice talking back next time. Be grateful your daughter took action. She never meant to hurt you I'm sure.

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

I'm sorry. Your granddaughter must have really been looking forward to seeing you if her mom thought that was a good punishment.


But I agree, it doesn't seem like it was fair. To you or to her.

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

I'd say your daughter is a good parent who follows through when disciplining your GD. When the young lady comes over to bake, you could gently let her know that her punishment hurt you too. Then move forward making good memories with her.

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

The fact that Not coming to bake with Grammy was a punishment means you rate highly! I’d take it as a complement!  As they grow older, they are less interested in being with grandparents, only natural- 

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

@Nataliesgramma  I would feel the same way....especially since you got your work done in preparation for the visit.


Maybe you could draw your GD and make a little card to present her with, next time she comes over, telling her you missed her and why she needs to mind her Mommy.....Heart

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

Kudos to your daughter. You will thank her one day.

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Re: I feel like I got punished.....

I'm sure your daughter meant well but in punishing her for one thing she taught her another. That is to disregard a commitment one has made. When you accept an invitation you don't cancel an hour before unless it's unavoidable. Your daughter taught your granddaughter to have poor manners and manners matter much more than a tidy bedroom.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I feel like I got punished.....

While it doesn’t seem fair to you I think it is good parenting.I imagine that your granddaughter is very disappointed about not baking with you but she has to understand that she has some responsibilities that must be met or she will suffer the consequences.There are always consequences for our choices and she has just experienced how poor decisions can result in negative consequences.