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I recently turned 60.  I'm a healthy 60, thank God.   I work out, eat well, and take care of myself.   I'm alone.  No family, no significant other.  I still work.


I've been going through some difficult times of late.  But I always find a way to get through the day. 


As a little girl, I loved to skip.  It was just fun and carefree. 


One of my favorite shows is off the air now, "Mom."  Not sure if many of you watched it. One of the best episodes was when the main character and her daughter accidently ate some cookies baked with pot.   In one scene after getting high, they got sad over something and decided to skip, because as Bonnie (the main character) said, "You can't be sad when you're skipping."   It was a funny moment on the show and made me laugh.


So today on my daily walk, I decided to skip some of the way.   I'm sure I Iooked like a goof to people watching and even some in my neighborhood gave me that blank stare.   I didn't care... I skipped and it's true, it's hard to stay sad when you're skipping.   Plus, it feels good being a 60 year old and still I can skip!!   So who cares if they think I'm weird.   I can skip.    They should try it. 


Anyway, just wanted to share that in case it would make someone smile and perhaps make you skip today... just because it feels good.  


I found this quote today too.   It kind of sums up what it feels like to skip at 60:


“I feel in every girl there is a spirit,
a wild pixie,
that if let go,
would run and dance in grassy fields
until the end of the world.

And then that girl grows up,
that pixie hides,
but it's always there,
peeking out behind old eyes
and reading glasses,
laughing, waiting,
to one day dance again.”
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Good for you. I could see you now and everyone staring at you  wishing that they can skip along with you.


You go @Ladygray .

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There was a game we played outdoors, it was so much fun trying to steal each other's partner.


Skip, skip, skip to my Lou

Skip, skip, skip to my Lou

Skip, skip, skip to my Lou

Skip to my Lou my darlin'





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@Ladygray , good for you! I'd be afraid I would fall since my coordination seems to have gone right out the door as I've gotten older. I've never been one with much in the first place.  I hope things turn around for you real soon. Who knows, you may want to continue skipping through life even when the sun starts shining again!

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@Ladygray ~ "skip to my Lou my darlin!"  

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I wasn't much of a skipper and don't think I'd remember how it's done.  Will have to look for a YouTube video.  

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@Ladygray  Good for you.   I think that's a lovely idea.  I'll have to give it a try  I'm 62.



My Granddaughter (15 months) was here today   I was being a total goofball but she was sure laughing hard. 

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Posts: 254
Registered: ‎06-18-2017

Thank you everybody!   Heart


You made me smile and warmed my heart.


As long as this body allows, I'll keep skipping.  

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@ValuSkr wrote:

I wasn't much of a skipper and don't think I'd remember how it's done.  Will have to look for a YouTube video.  

@ValuSkr, try it and you might just enjoy it. Try and skip to a lively tune. "Skip to my Lou" should also be on You Tube.

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I'm 65 and I ran to the bathroom today...does that count?!?!?