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@Vivian... I am so sorry for all that you and your family are going through. 



Consider yourself hugged. ❤️


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Registered: ‎03-22-2010

@haddon9((hugs)) to you too....


@Vivianand @haddon9 .... I believe there are online support groups.... 


I hope that helps....

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Registered: ‎09-18-2010

So sorry, @Vivian. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

I imagine your daughter is feeling somewhat helpless, heartbroken and frustratd with the situation. However, you are no doubt feeling those same things. Yelling at you did no good, in my opinion.

Sometimes we are faced with decisions like you were this am, having your hubby move the car, where there is no easy answer. I think your daughter should give you a break here. Sorry about your day and I truly hope things are somewhat better now.

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Sending tons of tlc for entire family, but especially for

you. Hang on tight and take care of yourself, that means some alone time to relax away from everyone and everything.

All the best.......

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@Vivian - Sending you lots of hugs. It is difficult to deal with this and you certainly don't need your daughter "yelling" at you. I'm sure they are having a difficult time dealing and accepting this. Please have a talk with them and explain your feelings and you don't want to be talked to like this or accused of doing anything wrong. You are an adult and a caregiver.


Also, ask your husband's DR or go online and see if you can find a support group so you have someone to talk to about this. 


At some point, you may want to have someone come in and lend a helping hand. It can be very tiring. My Mom had alzheimer's and it wasn't an easy road especially as she advanced in the disease. 


Let me add, keep your eyes & ears open - my Mom actually left the house one time without my sister noticing for a while.

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@Vivian You definitely need support and time for you. If you can afford it get a home health aide, at least for a few hours a week so that you can go to a support group or a counselor. The senior center where I live has qualified aides at a lower rate than agencies charge. They have a caregiver support group too. If you have a nearby senior center please call them and see what's available to you. Call Alzheimer's agencies and foundations. 


I know exactly what it's like to have to do it all and to think you can do it all. And to put up with blank from people who aren't doing anything. I'm still suffering the after effects of that. I'm the last person who would ever want to tell a caregiver what to do, but you matter too. 

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@Vivian I’m sending prayers and hugs your way. Bless your sweet heart ♥️.



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Things can happen in a blink of a eye..just glad that nothing happened to him while in the car or anyone else.


Will keep him,you and the rest of the family in my prayers


plus sending you  ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))


Please do be afraid to ask your family or anyone else  for help if you need it.Heart

preds 06-21-20
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So sorry to hear of the diagnosis.

Yes, here’s a (((hug))).



Maybe when things quiet down, maybe look for a support group 

thorough the hospital which can help you & your daughter

get through this difficult time? 


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Posts: 6,407
Registered: ‎07-07-2010

@Vivian, you absolutely need a hug after the day that you have had.  Make sure that your husband is on meds and takes them for his Alzheimers.  Also, make it clear to your children that they are not to speak for you or their father and that all decisions from now on are made by you.


The yard will grow back.  If you can afford to do so, see about getting some help at home, even if for one afternoon a week or so.   You need to take care of yourself just as much as taking care of your husband.  Your children can be a big help if they understand that they do not make decisions for you.  If not, see about getting someone who is experienced working with patients who can give you a reprieve so that you can get some time to yourself.  You will need it as the disease progresses.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!