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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

I had many best friends as a child into my adult hood.  Really close good best friends.  But now retired and 64 next month, I have NO friends at all.  I chose to not have friends as it is a lot of work  to be a friend.  I do not want any responsibity involved with being a friend.  Thus... no friends. I am good with that.

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

Image result for my best friend my dog silky terrier

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

@MorningLover wrote:

My dog was mine, until she died two years ago. Smiley Sad I'm my own best friend now. Smiley Wink Smiley Happy



What a sweet post. I am so sorry for your loss.

Maybe some day you will find another best canine friend.Heart


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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

[ Edited ]

I have two people that I consider a True Friend. One I met in the sixth grade and the other I met in the Army.

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

[ Edited ]

I have three very close friends. Sadly, we no longer live near each other geographically but we are still very close in every other way. First comes my oldest friend. We have known each other for 66 years, having gone through elementary school through high school together. She currently lives in Holland. Next comes my dear friend whom I’ve been close to for the past 45 years. We started as tennis partners and became lifelong friends, even though she now lives in CA and I live in NY. Finally, my dear friend who has recently moved away to NC. For over twenty years we were close friends, going through cancer, children’s problems, and husbands’ careers together. 


I will never lose contact with these friends. We have gone through the trials, tribulations, and joys of life over the past several decades. These are women whom I can count on, and who can count on me, no matter what.

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

Using a friend's phrase, I have several 'sister girlfriends.' I don't believe in one best friend because closeness in friendships flow in and out of seasons. Privileged to be married to my friend for 40 years -- but we sure do have some funny stories when things weren't peachy. Glad we can laugh about it.    

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

Yes, I have several close and best friends.   However, I am not into Lucy and Ethel togetherness, period.   I am NOT anyone’s shopping buddy, not into popping in for coffee or visits in my best friends homes (actually have not been to any of their homes), don’t need to know every move they make, nor intend to share my every move.   

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

@MarthaStewardess wrote:

I've had a couple of best friends in the past, but we've list contact over the years.  I have a couple of good friends at work, but we hardly ever see each other.  Other than those two, every one else I just consider an acquaintance. I would say my mother is my best friend.

You sound just like me......2 best friends from my younger years and then my young adult years............but in adulthood my mother was my best friend...she passed 

6 years ago.....enjoy your are lucky!!

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

I have two.  One I know since I was about 4 or 5 years old and the other one for over 30 years.

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Re: How many of you have a 'best friend'?

I don't have any friends and am fine with that.