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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

Oh, yes indeed, like all human beings I've made serious mistakes.   I think Tends2dogs offered great wisdom on this.  In my world view, having contrition and requesting forgiveness from God enables a fresh start.  Hope that dispels discouragement.

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

Yes,  and I haven' t. I don't believe it should be that easy.

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

Honestly, sitting here thinking about it - no. I've made mistakes, but they've affected no one but me. I've lived a fairly solitary life with a small family I haven't always been close to, and a very few intimate friends, so the opportunity for me to hurt other *people* by my mistakes has been rare. I've hurt myself with some mistakes, but forgiving myself for making those mistakes is...not relevant. I rarely beat myself up over anything.


Hurts have been done to me that I know were not regretted, and some regretted but still would have happened again even with hindsight, i.e. the person might feel bad about it when called on it but would do it all again anyway because I was not as important as their goal.

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

[ Edited ]

Wow! That would be awful. I have regrets but nothing as serious as that which would haunt me for years...except perhaps my eating habits. Seriously, though, any mistakes I've made have never been serious enough to cause me long-lasting grief. I guess I'm lucky.

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

I love reading the many wisdoms and life experiences I gain from others. I have been relfecting on forgiveness and remembered reading The Book on Recovery (Bob Wilson and others) and wondered why in the 12 steps of recovery was making amends for past hurts was so far down the list. Had a wise member of AA tell me there was a good reason for that. We often make the error of thinking just because we make amends for past hurts that it somehow obligates the recipient of the hurt to automatically forgive, forget, love etc and that mindset before ready had caused many a relapse in the program. Ahhh haaa moment for me was that we make mistakes, we can apologize if appropriate and also depending in circumstances, timing etc but making amends is truly a "self loving act" and given with no expectations from the other person. We do it for ourselves. I had to forgive my attackers only for myself, not for them. Slowly those chains come off that get too heavy in a time in life One has to make the most of....yups. Hugs to all

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

@RinaRina, yes and I won't go into any detail but I learned to let go, not let the past dominate every day and moved forward.  It can be done and huge hugs to you!!!

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

It is so much easier for me to forgive others than to forgive myself.



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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

Yes, and I haven't. I own it forever, it can not be changed. No forgetting or forgiving.

Moved on not with a monkey on my back but a mark/lesson in my soul.

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

Yes I have done some things that would be considered terrible. I don't know that I've forgiven myself over it, but I have most definitely learned to do better in this journey we call "life". Hell life is hard, at times we get weak, we screw up, but we learn from it in time. I believe the lord forgives me, and you and others. Let it go, live your life in peace. 

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Re: Have U Ever Made such a Bad Mistake that ...

I believe in Karma. So, while I have surely hurt others, sometimes not intentionally or even knowing that I have; I have been hurt occasionally too. What comes to mind is a man who cheated me financially, he was dead within a year of a sudden massive heart attack at 54. For that reason, it's easy for me to forgive others, they will get what they deserve, and it's easy for me to forgive myself because I've also received what I deserve.