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Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

I have "dumb" phone and my DH has a "smart" pjone. He tries not to show it but he's secretly smug that HE knows how to use it and plays games and doesl all the bells and whistles. His phone really IS a dog and pony show.


My humble little flip phone (yes, it's ancient) has a few features but my main purpose is to give that number--not my home phone--to people I don't want bothering me. If it rings, I know it's someone I don't want to talk to and just ignore it.


So of course DH had to run around the house yesterday resetting clocks and such but he didn't have to re-set anything om his phone...or so he thought.Man Very Happy


 It so happens that he has a medical appt. this morning and about 20 minutes before he should leave, he was be-bopping around the house, making breakfast, talking and laughing...and I said, "Dear, don't you know you've got an appt. with Dr. Q this early this morning?" He said, "No I don't; it's right here on my...oh sh*t!"


Turns out his allegedly SMART phone had not only advanced the time to Daylight Savings Time, it had also pushed all his appointments ahead one hour!


Thanks to my humble little phone, he didn't miss his appointment. Everyone I know has a smart phone and tries to talk me into something more modern one but I'm happy with the cell phone that's been with me so many years--kind of like a faithful (German Shepherd) dog.


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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

LOL!!! I don't use my phone for that so never has happened to me.

I use mine for emergencies & texting. I did finally learn how to text about 3 yrs ago. LOL!!!

All our clocks changed themselves this weekend except 2 we had to change. It sure is nice not having to change all these clocks. 

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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

Ms. Lorraine-- I'm with you!!! I am the only person I know who still has what I call a "stupid" phone.  See no need for a "smart" one.  I do not text although I could on my phone and use it only for emergencies or when I'm traveling.  Too many people are addicted to their phones and I don't see how they improve anyone's life.


Nice to know I'm not alone!!!!!  Thanks!


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

Well I have a smart phone, but that's because my old "dumb" phone died last year (yours will eventually do that too).  I really don't need it for the "smart" stuff, though.......I pretty much only use it for texting and pics.  And here's somethiing high tech your DH should try........I write my appointments down on my calendar!

Laura loves cats!
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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

That's a hoot.  Honestly, I've never heard of a smart phoning moving appointment times.  I'm sitting here imagining the horrors of

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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

I have that dumb phone, dh has that smart phone. I just like simple things.



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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!


Ms. Lorraine-- I'm with you!!! I am the only person I know who still has what I call a "stupid" phone.  See no need for a "smart" one.  I do not text although I could on my phone and use it only for emergencies or when I'm traveling.  Too many people are addicted to their phones and I don't see how they improve anyone's life.


Nice to know I'm not alone!!!!!  Thanks!


Me too.

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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

Add me to the dumb phone user list.  I like simple as well.  

It's kind of amusing when people see you with your dumb phone and look at you like you are from the dark ages! lol  It suits me just fine!

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Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

@FuzzyFace, and to all the other posters add me to the membership of the DPCP, Dump people cell phone.I stand proud and humble.We are stubborn,and unique.To join you must not be on a life line with your phone.Smiley LOL

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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Ha ha ha! My husband is so funny!

DL and I bit the bullet and got smart phones last summer. We were pretty happy with the dumb phones we had gotten years ago but just to “up-to-date” we got new ones.  As I have gotten older I enjoy exploring my laptop and phone to see what all they can do. Before I would just use my gadgets for basic things. He on the other hand is still pretty techno-illiterate and doesn’t care. As long as he knows how to take a picture and receive/send texts he is fine. (In all fairness to him though, he knows how to work the older vcr with 2 remotes and I still haven’t a clue).


I use the gps on my phone a lot when we travel even though he doesn’t trust it.  I also use FaceTime frequently for friends and relatives around the country. 


There are are so many advantages to the smart phones but also disadvantages. The key is to keep your wits about you and not to let it take over your life.