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Re: Going on my first cruise

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@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@fairydogmother wrote:

Wow you all have made my day with your sweet and helpful responses 👏 

Re: motion sickness. On yeah. Big time. Darcy is bringing sea bands and I'll bring the Dramamine. I get queasy on the ferry from Mackinaw City to Mackinac Island. 
Went sailing on a big boat about forty years ago and barfed the whole time. They renamed the Tilt a Whirl the Tilt a Hurl after me 🤪

yeah I know the weather will be hot. But on the ship will it be air conditioned? Will I get a nice cool breeze on deck or by the pool? 

Darcy says she needs to "evaluate my condition" when she sees me, before deciding if the Thailand trip is still a good idea. This is what a thirty-five year old says to her mother. 
I was speechless. 😂🤣😆

@fairydogmother   Just an FYI regarding Dramamine vs Bonine. Dramamine is taken in multiple doses throughout the day.  Bonine is taken once daily.  Dramamine causes drowsiness. Bonine causes less drowsiness. 

@JeanLouiseFinch , there are 3 different types of Dramamine and they all 3 have different active ingredient to stop motion sickness.


Original Dramamine is 50 mg of Dimenhydrinate.  You take 1-2 about 1/2 hour before travel and then you take 1-2 every 4 to 6 hours.  This medication will make you very sleepy.


Less Drowsy Damamine is 25mg of Meclizine HCI.  This is the exact same as Bonine. 


Non Drowsy Dramamine is ginger and that is it.


I only know all this because original dramamine works for me but the less drowsy does not and neither does Bonine.  I looked into it and found this.


I get the Scopalmine patch from my doctor.  I put one behind my ear the morning of our cruise and change it out in 3 days.  Some people have an issue with them but I never have. 


You can hit some very rough seas even if you aren't in a storm.  If you see staff hanging bags on staircases and railings, they are expecting rough seas and they are expecting people will be ill.  LOL 

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Posts: 11,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Going on my first cruise

@fairydogmother wrote:

Back in December I was supposed to go to Thailand to visit my daughter (she lives and works in Bangkok). But the quarantine situation canceled that plan. This week she said she's taking me on a cruise in July! During her summer break from teaching. She will fly here (Florida), my hub will drive us to Ft Lauderdale. From there we will have ports in Key West, Cozumel, Belize, Bimini. Then back to Ft Lauderdale. 
I'm super excited and already shopping for cruise wear. Haha. Although most of my wardrobe is appropriate since I live in a hot humid climate. 
We are sailing on Celebrity Infinity. 
Any tips?


Enjoy your cruise! I went on one in 2018 and had a blast. We went to Mexico, Guatamala, Costa Rica, Panama Canal, Panama, Colombia, and other countries in those areas. At one point, I had one foot in Central America and 1 foot in South America.


The highlight for me was ziplining through the Costa Rica jungle. At one point, I got stuck and looked around to see a sloth on a treetop right next to me. He just watched me and I watched him.


Going through the Panama Canal was fascinating. The history!


I saw so many historical forts,  churches, other sites, and walked through old old cities. Absolutlely amazing.


On the flip side, I saw poverty like I'd never seen it before. People live in shelters made with whatever random material they can find. No electricity or running water. They wash clothes in the rivers. They are skin and bones and so hungry. The children tore me up inside. I ended up spending money on the poor. No one rushed me or crowded me for money - I had to go to them. They were all very grateful and kind.


In so many cases, this horrendous poverty was right next door to a mansion with heavy steel and barbed wire fences/gates.


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Re: Going on my first cruise

That sounds wonderful!  I cruised a lot in my single days with my girlfriends.  The last cruise I went on was 2016 with my husband and daughter and, for them, it was the first time.  We have a cruise booked at the end of the year.  We will be on the Disney Fantasy.  Since Covid, the rules, regulations and documentation has changed greatly.  Most (if not all) cruise lines require Covid testing prior to boarding,  If one person tests positive in the group you're traveling with, none of you can board.  A lot has gone the way of technology.  It's a must to download whatever cruise line you're sailing navigator app.  I know disney also has another site called safe passage and your travel documents such as your passport has to be downloaded.  Also, proof of Covid vaccination(s) for those 5 and older.  On line check in also has to be done on line so and at that time you get your port arrival time.  Cannot arrive at port for Disney cruise before that time, will be turned away.  Everything is done on line, at least for the Disney cruise and from what I've heard, all cruise lines seem to be doing this.  Some items I plan on packing:  hanging shoe organizer (not toiletry bag that hangs over the door...the doors are metal and they're not allowed because it will scratch the door). clothes pins, hook magnets for the door, first aid stuff like immodium, gin gins, sea bands, night light.  I've also been shopping for some clothes.  Remember there is usually a formal night and a semi formal night.  Depends on the cruise line and length of cruise.  Some people go all out....women in gowns and men in a tux.  Others don't dress up at all and you have everything in between.  Bring cash for tipping, those who help with luggage and throughtout the cruise like a bartender.  Tipping your state room and dinner servers are usually at the end of the cruise and you're given envelopes for that.  Sometimes you can prepay them before you cruise.  Just keep on top of all the rules and regulations because it's always changing.  It appears that most cruise lines are "lightening up" and cruises our more at capacity whereas they have been cruising at half capacity.  Have a wonderful time and enjoy this special time with your daughter.