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One of my two dogs recently passed away. I am adjusting, but here is my question; my 4 year old little dog is now an only dog. He is obviously less active, and I think he really misses his brother. Should I get another dog? I'm torn. With just one dog it will be easier to go places. I love dogs absolutely but I have not had this problem for a long time. My remaining dog is a Yorkie, and he is the sweetest, easiest dog; smart funny. I feel selfish if I don't get another dog because he really loved having another dog to be around....thoughts?

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Re: Give your opinion please-

@Marvsmom     Watch his behavior but what I would do is make sure you play with him everyday and give him lots of attention.  This is an adjustment for him plus he is in mourning for his pal.

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Re: Give your opinion please-

I would recommend you wait and see. If you feel in a few months that your dog would benefit from having another dog in the home, then you can look into it. But having a puppy come in to replace an older dog who passed  would be a very different experience for your dog and for you for that matter.  Puppies need lots of attention. If you aren't considering a puppy but an older dog than there are other considerations as to how well he gets along with other dogs, past history etc. 


So I would  pause and think on it for a few months before doing anything. Right now you miss your dog that died so give yourselves both time to adjust a bit. Then you can see how you feel. 

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Re: Give your opinion please-

I'm sorry for your loss, but only you know the answer to this question.  A dog is a big commitment, in spite of the love and joy they give, you already know that.  Here's how I'm looking at dog ownership these days.  Your situation may be entirely different.  We have a big dog, whom I am crazy about. We are "connected" and I know I could never love another one the same way.  We have always had cats throughout our marriage too, anywhere from one to four.  We've experienced losses over the years and are now back at one, having lost her brother this past fall.  I would love to get another cat (or two) - also a commitment, but I feel it's not as much so as with a dog.  As DH and I are aging, closing in on retirement within the next couple of years, it's very possible that either or both of us could be gone within the next 10-15 years, yet even though we have no reason to expect it, there's also no guarantee that it wouldn't or couldn't happen tomorrow or next week. I have no doubt that a cat, or cats, would find a home with one of our children. Cats are easy.   A dog, not so much. Our boy is almost 10 yrs. old now and he will live out his days, how ever many that is, with us.  When the time comes, and I hope it's far off, I will love him as long as I can and walk him right up to the Rainbow Bridge myself.  However, to take on another dog at this stage in our lives, I feel would be unfair to the dog, who may end up needing a new home, and it would also place undue pressure on our children, for someone to take a dog they never asked for, if DH and I were to depart and leave him or her behind.  Again, you might be in a totally different situation or mindset.  Ultimately, take your time to decide and don't make an emotional decision in the moment.  There's no rush.  Be at peace about your decision, whatever you choose.  Good luck. 🐾

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Re: Give your opinion please-

@Marvsmom  Wait and see like others suggested.  Also do spend more time playing with and walking him.  I would say if you are someone who is not home a lot then it would be wise to get another to prevent anxiety issues even though it might be easier for you to not get another!  Adopt one that is not a puppy and already trained some. 

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Re: Give your opinion please-

Animals grieve like we grieve. You need to pay special attention to your dog now.


My brother has always had 2 dogs. When one died, the other would go into a depression and stop eating, playing, etc.  They grieve for their playmate like we grieve. 


My neighbor's husband recently passed away and their dog would cry and constantly try to find him. She took him to the vet and he explained how dogs grieve and gave him some anti-anxiety medication. But it took him months to adjust.

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Re: Give your opinion please-

Like others have said, it depends on so many things.  For the same reason as you, we got our 6-year-old pup a playmate when our other dog passed.  We rescued an adult dog that was 3 years old at the time.  Now, they are 12 and 9.  Based on their health, we are thinking we have about 5 years left with either one or both.  If they live another 5 years, I will be 64 and my husband will be 58.  We love, love, love dogs and have had dogs separately and together our whole lives but no more after this.  Especially if we got a pup or younger dog and say it lived 15 years, I could still be taking care of a dog when I am near 80!  For some, that would be fine, but as much as I love them both, no more after this.  I am tired of being tied down, vet costs are exorbitant, and as they are facing aging problems, it is a lot of stress.

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Re: Give your opinion please-


How about fostering? There are thousands of rescue organizations who are looking for fosters.  This will give you an idea of if another dog is for you and help another dog to get adopted. Win-win.

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Re: Give your opinion please-

I'm a Yorkie mom too.  I like having one, she loves it too.  My age and physical lack there of says one is good for me and he.  (Mr.) . Weigh your options before you do anything. Think 12 yrs. down the road for starters.  

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Re: Give your opinion please-

@JeanLouiseFinch    Excellent answer.