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I get my hair cut and colored every 4 or 5 weeks.  I give my stylist a 20% tip each time.


And, I give him a small gift or two at Christmas.  I've been going to him for about 10 years, and we've become good friends.  So, I know the kinds of things he likes.  Sometimes I give him a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant.  This year, I bought I book I knew he would like, and a gadget for his kitchen.



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In general, you might want to rethink your tip percentage in the coming year,  the standard is 15 to 20% which is not really much if you are getting a good service.  


Like it or not this is the way the industry is structured.  They stylist usually gets half of what you are paying for the cut/color etc 



Perhaps your stylist is not so thrilled to see her regular customer when they know all they are getting is a 10% tip.


For Christmas/end of the year, I usually add to the the tip.  



Just my thoughts on the subject, others may disagree.

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I have always been flummoxed by this trend to give vendors gifts. In my experience the vendors always gave the customers the gifts. These two industries, hair dressing and nails,  what for want of a better word are called "service industries" are the opposite of what is usual and customary in the business world. In that environment, there never would be an incident of the customer who pays for a service and provides a tip giving the vendor an additional remuneration for a Holiday. It is always the other way around, the vendor who gets paid, gives the customer, who pays them, a gift during the Holidays to Thank them for their business during the year. Why is it opposite in these two businesses?

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I just had my haircut/color this past weekend.  While I do tip each visit it's a little less than 20%.  I gave her twice what I usually do, which this year was $40.

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If I get my hair cut closer to Christmas I will give him double what I would normally give him.


If it's the end of November or first or second week of December I just give him what I normally do.

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@Deanie...I agree with you...I am a good customer, with a regular schedule of cutting and coloring of my I posted I tip, but not much and honestly I don't feel bad about not tipping a lot....she performs a service for me I pay what she asks...never understood why I needed to tip...just my opinion on the subject.


I know her well enough to know what she would and would not want.....she has everything she needs/wants...I know some posters did not like me mentioning how wealthy she is...thought it had no bearing, maybe it does not but  buying a trinket or giving cash to someone with unlimited income seems a waste, in my opinion.


I decided to carve out time to make the cherries...I know that is something she enjoys......

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My hairdresser is quite pricy and I tip her 20% (even tho she owns the shop) so no I don't get her an additional gift.


When she used to work at a mall salon, the salon would give customers gifts at Christmas and Valentine's Day.  She never does that.  Additionally, I find it annoying that she advertises discounts and free services for new customers, but never does anything to reward the loyalty of long time customers.


I like the way she cuts and colors my hair so I guess it's all good, but I agree with the poster who suggested that the vendors might want to reward their loyal customers at least once in awhile rather than expecting gifts in addition to tips and high prices.

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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

I get my hair cut and colored on a regular basis...I tip, but not a lot.....sometimes I think tipping has gotten out of hand, and when I first started with her she owned the shop, she has since sold it but still works in the same place.....but the tip has remained the same.


I usually make her a specialty candy item that she loves and I always  wrap it up in a nice, glass container and give it to her for Christmas.


She and her husband are very wealthy and want for nothing.  If I wanted to buy her something the only thing I can think of is a gift card for a restaurant in our town....I honestly don't like giving gift cards.


This year I decided not to make the candy item, I just have not had time and it's to close to Christmas to do it the question is --does everyone give their hairdresser a gift at Christmas time?


I am one of those people that don't need a thing and honestly I am uncomfortable when people buy me things.....I don't know why, it's just the way I feel...I am feeling conflicted about not giving her a gift...advice, suggestions??  thanks


QVC says to give EVERYBODY in your life a gift--your child's teacher, your postman, the kids' soccer coach, the school's traffic cop, the garbage man, etc., etc.  As for me, I gave my dog walker a QVC burmese ruby ring!  (ha, ha, ha)  birgits_giggle.gif