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I'm guilty of what some might call "over-tipping".  I give to my hairdresser, manicurist, mailman, UPS guy, newspaper lady and also my hairdreser's husband because he does favors for me.  Each one gets a gift and some money.  I don't do it out of obligation, I do it because I truly enjoy each and every one of these people.  And while they provide a service to me, I want them to know that I appreciate them and their great service all year long.

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I do what the other poster said....I double her tip on my December visit...

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   I will give my hairdresser a card with a $50 bill. He’s done my hair for almost 30 years!!

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@chrystaltree...I only mentioned her financial status as a way of making my point that she wants/needs nothing....we talk a lot when we are in the salon alone and so I know her pretty well.  The only thing I know she does on a regular basis is eat out...

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My husband and I see the same hairdresser every month and she does a wonderful job and can always get us in if something comes up last minute and we need to reschedule. She s the owner but we tip 20% and at Christmas we give her a $100 gift card to a local restaurant and we give the shampoo person a $50 VISA gift card. I know it’s a bit much but we don’t have kids and it’s just my husband and me, so why not. 

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If they are very wealthy why is she working?

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@Group 5 minus 1...I'd say she is still working because she loves her job!  She works like a dog always has.......

She is in her late 40's...I would not quit working if I were her age, money or not.

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I usually don't see my hairdresser at holiday time, but if I do I give her something I have baked , she appreciates that because she doesn't have the time to bake. I would not think twice about not gifting a hairdresser who is wealthy. I also consider a persons wealth and status when I gift, because I want to give the person something they will actually want and not throw in the trash.

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@NicksmomESQ wrote:

   I will give my hairdresser a card with a $50 bill. He’s done my hair for almost 30 years!!

Same here, $50 but she has done my hair for 8 years.

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I've been getting my hair cut every 6 weeks for the past 15 years by the same woman.  She doesn't charge much and I always tip.  At Christmas, I always give her the monetary equivalent of one haircut.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment