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Registered: ‎08-13-2010

Re: Finding Christmas again,

Two weeks ago i was in my kitchen making a wreath for my front door.  It was late at night and quiet in the house so I asked Alexa to play Josh Groban Christmas music.  The song came on “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” which usually make me very melancholy ...  missing my parents, etc.  The song just makes me sad !!  Anyway, a very quiet voice or whatever you want to call it said to me “that’s not what this is about” which I took to mean as the meaning of Christmas ... it’s about the birth of Christ not about missing my Dad.  I shared this experience with my sister and niece and never expected to share it anywhere else, but while reading your post, which I totally agree with, I also thought I would share Finding Christmas Again ...  it has given me a new spirit this Christmas and reinforces my faith.  Christ is Christmas ... the reason for the season.  Sorry if this is off point, just sharing.

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Re: Finding Christmas again,

While I had time to bake this season, I just had no inclination.  This Saturday I'll make some cookies.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Finding Christmas again,

While I had time to bake this season, I just had no inclination to do so.  This Saturday I'll make some cookies and a loaf of cranberry orange bread. @Graciesmom you help put in perspective and we will celebrate what should be celebrated! 

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Posts: 638
Registered: ‎08-13-2010

Re: Finding Christmas again,


Please let me add I have cookies to make too ...  bought all the ingredients, but it kills my back !!  No going back now ...  

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Re: Finding Christmas again,

If soldiering on made you happy, that's all that really matters.  I cannot relate to that, I'm the opposite.  I've had health issues in 2017, I am having knee replacement surgery in January and I have spinal stenosis.  2017 has painful year for me.  I had scale back this Christmas and I never gave it a second thought.  I'm much more concerned with my own comfort and safety than I am about what others expect from me.  My friends and family will still have wonderful Christmases even if I don't do all the baking I usually do and even if we don't give our big holiday party this year.  I think of this as an "off year".  I'll be back to next Christmas.

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Re: Finding Christmas again,

@Still keeper of the koi:


Loved & appreciated your post. I have been in a funk lately because I've "slowed down". Quite frankly, it's depressing. It's human nature, for me anyways, to always be on top of my game & that is just no longer possible, unfortunately Woman Indifferent.


I've been reading Ann Voskamp's  One Thousand Gifts and it's been food for my soul. Thank you again for reminding me to accept my circumstances where I am right now & to have a grateful heart. 


I've been praying for you, @Still keeper of the koi, as you celebrate this Christmas without your precious MIL/Mom. The first one is the hardest. 


Heart to you & your family,



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Posts: 574
Registered: ‎05-04-2017

Re: Finding Christmas again,

@deedledeedeedle, You are such a beautiful blessing in my life, I love you special one.You remind me that love is  not exclusive  to those we meet face to face., it is a leap of faith....By doing this you, friend have  touched my heart deeply. I have been held up by the friends here in prayer and love, my journey has been easier for thiis.I do believe the creator sends us angels ,you are one.I wish you the beauty of this season, the promise of forever joy, you are doing what we are called to do,love without reserve,freely...Bless your life friend...Hugs,MaryAnne