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Mine got deleted too, and don't  know why.

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@Pasta Lover wrote:



i do not have any children and lost a daughter through adoption 17 years ago.  I have four nieces and nephews who have treated great.  I do this with my heart and never even received a card on my birthday or Christmas.  On e nephew is my Godson who I Practically grew up along with his brother years ago.  Last weekend my nephew's daughter graduating from highschool.  They were having a big party the day after.  My nephew told me about this on the phone 6 months.  I waited day afyer day and no invitation came.  3 days before the party my nehew's daughter was at the door with the invitation.  I hah mentioned to my other nephew 3 days beforre that as of that day I did't have an invitation.  I found out that all the other aunts AND UNCLES RECIEVED theirs over 2 months.  I waa an afterthought or maybe, excluded from the party!  Why is what I am asking.  I only have done so much for them.  Sometimes they wouldn't even thank me.  /////my nieces are on their brothers side when I told them that /I must not me part of the family.  I have been very sick for a month with a fractured wrist that they all knew.ABOUT.  nOT ANY CARDS or get well wishes. I have 1 brother who lives 10minutes away and haven't  seen him in 3 years.  When everyone is sick I always send out cards.  He never even calls me to see how I am.  I suffer from depression and anxiety for 29 years,   I don't have any family.  I feel so hurt and cryed all day Sunday.  Why did my nephew treat me like garbage?????

In a previous thread about your fractured wrist, you said that you have a DH. Isn't he family?

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Re: Feeling Hurt

[ Edited ]

 @RedTop @chiclets 


I don't recall the post the OP deleted but that might explain why @hckynut and @KKJ  posts were removed.  If the reply button on her post was used, and the post was eliminated, your posts would have been automatically removed too, so I doubt it was anything you said.  


Sometimes people put more out there in a moment of distress or sadness than they're comfortable with later.  I understand why people sometimes remove posts.  I hope @Pasta Lover is feeling better.  

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@chiclets wrote:

@RedTop wrote:

OP deleted her last post.


Well that was her choice, and says a lot. It tells me to disregard this thread. It seems too much is going on beyond said circumstances. So sad.



did not know you had a comment on this thread, I do not recall reading it, but  I can not understand how something you would have said would have been deleted. You can be very direct with comments but not mean or disrespectful.


Moving on.












I didn't want to say anything earlier, but I got the feeling that there was a whole lot more to the story than what we were told.



I would be very much interested in hear what the family has to say.


Maybe it's how the o/p acts when she's with family.


Maybe it's what she says when she's with them.


Maybe there is something that she is doing that they find to be a big turn off.


Three very big and strong "mayby's".

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The deleted post and several older ones made things clear to me.   

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Well I still don't get it. My post that was deleted was that I was sorry she was going through such a hard time and I was praying for her.  What was wrong with that?

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Re: Feeling Hurt

[ Edited ]

Just looking at her other posts I think she has depression.  Lots of physical complaints among others, and depression can make you see things more negatively than they really are. Maybe a doctor can help with addressing this with antidepressants and counseling. I hate to see anyone het stuck in a  poor me cloud.  She may be needing more than others can give. I’m glad she has a husband and she’s not without family.

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@GenXmuse wrote:

Just looking at her other posts I think she has depression.  Lots of physical complaints among others, and depression can make you see things more negatively than they really are. Maybe a doctor can help with addressing this with antidepressants and counseling. I hate to see anyone het stuck in a  poor me cloud.  She may be needing more than others can give. I’m glad she has a husband and she’s not without family.









I agree with everything that you have said.




I'm sorry if she is suffering from depression, as it isn't easy to deal with.




But if all one does is whine and complain and feel sorry for  themselves, and only wants sympathy all of the time, (and I'm not saying that the o/p does this) but it can take all of the joy out of any fun event.


People feel as though they have to tip-toe around you (general meaning) so as not to accidentally set you off.



Who wants to be around that.?


So maybe the o/p should take a good long hard look at her behaior, and see if she is not, in fact driving people away with her actions.

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My family very rarely has events and I never complain or tell them what is going on.  Last time we gathered for dinner out and evev my brother didn't converse me alot which was 3 yeaars ago.  /Yes, isee a therapist for 29 years and am I meds  If i Don't hear from family then or see them regularly then when do I complain to them.  They just call when someon dies in the family.  Like my former doctot said to me that my brother had decided from years ago that he doesn't  need me in his life because he has a full llife with his kids and granskids.   You don't have the right to judge me and assume that because of my illness that I am at fault.  Would you like to live a life with an illness like depression???????  You don't know about all my life and what may have caused my illness.. 

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I remember that you quoted her post, in your response as I hearted your reply.


Believe your comment may have been deleted because the quote was of the post that was removed.  


Hope the OP will find a way through her troubles, that much sadness can be crushing.

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