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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@chiclet wrote:

I have never wanted a funeral and don't want people to see me dead.  Come see or call me when I am alive.  I remember in the olden days a funeral was a big deal in the south and people would go who had not see the person in years.  However, my sister died in January and there was no service per her request and she was cremated.  My mind just tells we have not spoken in a while and I can still picture her alive in her house.  It just has not sunken in that she is gone.  It seems there was no ending... I think if you want to drive by and see the body it can be a very personal experience as you will be in your car and can grieve privately.  I think if it is an available service you can make the choice to go or not go.  

@chiclet, my condolences. :-(

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland