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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?

My two cats, Cupid and Arrow, both spooned with me from Day 1 when I adopted them. They were mostly grown when I took them from the shelter (about 1 year old) and they were a dedicated pair, so I had to take them both. I wasn't surprised they slept so close to each other, but delighted that they hopped into bed with me the first night! That surprised me. I think we three had a destiny as we all were happy to live together immdiately. They were wonderful pals to me and each other.


Always, Cupid was next to me curled with his back to my belly and Arrow spooned just like that into Cupid! Cupid died first some 12 years later and so Arrow got "promoted" to direct contact with me. Oddly, if I turned in my sleep, the two of them moved themselves to resume the spooning on the new side.


My first cat, Penelope, liked to sleep at the top of my pillow and groom my hair until she fell asleep or maybe I did first. I had no choice but to shower in the morning to wash my hair, but I have to admit, her thorough scalp treatment was actually pleasant.

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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?

You bet.   I dread the day she is not there.

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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?

[ Edited ]

Always did until we got the infamous Rocko and Millie cats.


One alone was fine, but when both were there, it eventually turned into a chase scene between two windows - which were inconveniently located on both sides of the headboard behind the nightstands...(Oh!  My head!)


BYE KITTIES!  Cat Frustrated

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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?



I had a Katrina survivor Himi who was my Secret Keeper.  They are the most loving, affectionate kitties.  There is a huge hole in my heart for him.


Our cats and dogs allow us to share the bed.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?



I had a Katrina survivor Himi who was my Secret Keeper.  They are the most loving, affectionate kitties.  There is a huge hole in my heart for him.


they really are! If I ever adopt another cat, I'll look for another Hilalayan.

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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?

Yes.... yes, they do  lol


My cats sleep all over my bed!

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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?

@GoneButNotForgotten  My Tonkinese cat has her own bed with blankie and sleeps in my bedroom.  She has her own little space and loves it.  I am so glad because my cat before Ava always slept with me.  

kindness is strength
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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?

My dog was horribly abused until rescued at age 2.  It took him a long time before he trusted me.  Now, he's glued to my hip.  Smiley Happy   I tried to get him to lay on my bed at night but he wouldn't for quite a while.   I'd had him about 6 months when he jumped up on the bed one night.  He's slept with me ever since.  He never gets under the covers but he has to be touching me all night long....a paw, his back, his face.  


My little guy sheds like crazy.  I put a twin sheet (summer) or blanket (winter) sideways across my bed so his hair doesn't ruin the bedding.  He also has his own blanket.   

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Re: Do your pets sleep with you?


My cat has her own place to sleep at night--got her a kennel when she was new to us that is her own little apartment. Seems like she starts out in a corner of the bed and then somehow------she expands to fill the bed and then I have a little corner of the bed----and then cats are nocturnal too--so she gets up and down all night---now, after 10 years, she lets me know when it is time for bed and in she goes to her little world and waits for me to close the door. Works great!!!