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@TX-starlight wrote:

@Posh Poodle

That's 1 thing that bothers much other unreliable info has she passed on. However, I will let this go. It wasn't something that made a huge difference. A lot of my friends are getting forgetful & don't always have correct facts, but it drives me crazy for wrong info to go out. This particular friend does have a habit of passing facts she doesn't know for sure, & I DO watch what I tell her. (She is housebound & gets most of her info 2nd or 3rd hand). 

I think that is very astute of you. I have a very good friend whom I have to be careful what I say to her because she will quote me verbatim about something I said 6 months ago that I already forgot about! 

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I WAS NOT GOSSIPING!!  I mentioned that someones brother was at a ball game & I had not seen him in a very long time. SHE mentioned his older brother (which he does not have). I said I didn't know he had another brother. 


I always regret posting in this catagory. 

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If it's not important, I let it pass.  I do know someone, not a good friend, that has to be right about everything, even when he's wrong and he does drive me nuts.  Once he stated that the university my DH graduted from was a private school, well, it's a public university and I had to prove it to him.  Did he really think I didn't know the university that my DH went to and is only 20 miles from where I grew up was not a public university!  Especially when he didn't even grow up in the that state!!!!  People that have to be right about everything, no matter what, have a real problem!

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Only correct someone:  If it matters.  If they will "hear" it.  Otherwise, keep out of it.  My DIL will use her phone to fact check everything said in a conversation.  It is obnoxious.