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Re: Do you know people like this?

@Pook , that's awful.  Gifts of perfume.  I read that as someone completely self absorbed.  LM

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Re: Do you know people like this?

@this is my nic wrote:



Why do you consider these people to be friends.  They really are not your friends. 





@this is my nic


I disagree with your assessment. Friends to me are a lot more than just what they have to say, even if it is mostly about their lives. You have surely heard "it's not what you say that counts, it's what you do".


That is what I consider in all of my friendships. Just as one's spouse or significant other, there are plenty of things they feel about each other that they don't particularly like, but is that enough to dissolve a marriage of give up a close relationship? For most it probably is not. I know it is not for me.





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Re: Do you know people like this?

I have a guy at work like this.  When he does ask me a question, it's usually one he's asked me before many times over the last 10-13 years.


So I change the answer.

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Re: Do you know people like this?

I have a friend exactly like this. Once a year she calls  me to go to lunch and for two hours I sit and listen. It's actually kind of entertaining, so I put up with it.  She's a nice person really,  just all about herself though. 

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Re: Do you know people like this?

Do I know someone like this?  Yes I do, but I don't consider her a friend.  She's a neighbor who lives across the street from me.  I could be unloading groceries or some other chore out front and I turn around and there she is...about two feet from me already relaying some story or event like it is something I should be aware of.  I do the best I can to try and understand the premise of her tale, all the while backing up toward my front door.  I never have to say much in response because I don't think she's interested in it.

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: Do you know people like this?



Well, we'll just have to disagree.  The OP doesn't mention these "friends" doing anything for her or with her.  She only states they are speaking over her;  she posted that she can't get a word in while they monopolize the conversation. True friends don't do that which is why I stand by my assessment, they are not friends.  


I have been blessed with good people whose friendship has lasted decades.  We treat each other with respect.  

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Re: Do you know people like this?

[ Edited ]

@this is my nic wrote:



Well, we'll just have to disagree.  The OP doesn't mention these "friends" doing anything for her or with her.  She only states they are speaking over her;  she posted that she can't get a word in while they monopolize the conversation. True friends don't do that which is why I stand by my assessment, they are not friends.  


I have been blessed with good people whose friendship has lasted decades.  We treat each other with respect.  




@this is my nic ,


Yup, we can agree to disagree. I don't consider a friend that likes to talk a lot, even about themselves, to be the whole makeup of a person's character. Their wanting to talk about themselves, even interrupting me, I do not see as showing disrespect for me.


I have 1 close friend that is exactly like that, he is also the 1st person I would call if I needed help with just about anything. Him doing for me means a whole lot more to me than, him talking about himself, including interrupting. Him I consider to be a very close friend to me.


Should I choose to pick my friends by what they say, or how much they say it? That opposed to actually doing things for me when I need help?  Some people say "call me if you need anything", but when you do so? Maybe next week, how about next month John? 


You pick 'em by how much they don't say about themselves, I'll stick with someone i can count on when i need them, not someone that "talks a good game", but?





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Re: Do you know people like this?

There are people like that on these forums.  One that comes to mind posts several times a day about HER.  HER medical isues, HER meals, HER car issues, HER daughter, HER pets.  But, she never takes the time to respond to anyone else's posts.  I find it quite amusing.....luckily I can ignore her on the forums.

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Re: Do you know people like this?

I have a friend like this, and I swear it is the craziest thing. She was not like this until she got on facebook. It is unreal the things she posts. It has spilled over into her friendships, I have wondered just what is going on, I do know I am not the only one who has seen this change in her. Its odd to say the least. 

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Re: Do you know people like this?

I prefer the talkative to those who play 20 questions of which most, if not all, are inappropriate.