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@MyGirlsMom wrote:

You are in an uncomfortable spot and it's not easy, I know.  We've all come across people we 'click with' and then find out there's something wrong.


You may not want to confront her but you can avoid her when you can, not going out, etc. When the time arises, explain to her that her views make you uncomfortable and you don't share her beliefs.



Love your quote at the end of your post!   


It's funny how easy it is for some people to spew hateful comments, but how hard it is for some of us to tell them so.      


Thanks for the feedback.

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People have made some AWFUL comments to me........not knowing I'm one of "them"................................

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Desertdi wrote:

People have made some AWFUL comments to me........not knowing I'm one of "them"................................

I'm so sorry.  Some people are so ignorant and intolerant.  I guess in a way I'm being intolerant too.


I'm Jewish and I've had people say various offensive things in my virtual and real life presence.

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@Deb1010again wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

People have made some AWFUL comments to me........not knowing I'm one of "them"................................

I'm so sorry.  Some people are so ignorant and intolerant.  I guess in a way I'm being intolerant too.


I'm Jewish and I've had people say various offensive things in my virtual and real life presence.

Well, I gotta say:   Some people's "misconceptions" can be pretty hilarious  (after the "shock" has worn off).

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Registered: ‎05-28-2013

@Desertdi wrote:

@Deb1010again wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

People have made some AWFUL comments to me........not knowing I'm one of "them"................................

I'm so sorry.  Some people are so ignorant and intolerant.  I guess in a way I'm being intolerant too.


I'm Jewish and I've had people say various offensive things in my virtual and real life presence.

Well, I gotta say:   Some people's "misconceptions" can be pretty hilarious  (after the "shock" has worn off).

You, my dear, are a very gracious tolerant person.

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I read 1/2 of what you wrote and this old saying came to mind: "You will be known by the company you keep."

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OP - I know exactly how you feel. I have recently become friends with the wife of someone who my DH and her husband were work friends.I liked her a lot but have learned she is also a racist and , just like your friend , she makes remarks that really bother me. Also political remarks too. I told her I disagree with her POV on these things and we will have to just respect each others POV if we are to remain friends so now I rarely ever hear from her. Thankfully her and my husbands are still pals, but I guess she is unable to be friends with me unless I concede to her POV.

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as you have just met this person, I think it quite easy to make yourself unavailble for lunch.  Use the "holidays" as an excuse to be busy if you must,



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If you find it uncomfortable to oppose her racist opinions, then I would not associate with her.  It would not be possible for me to spend time with a racist person and be quiet.  I would have to speak up.  By not saying anything, she would probably assume you agree.

Best to cut all ties now and not be associated with this person.

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I don't see a problem here at all.  You don't know the woman, she isn't by any stretch of the imagination a friend, she's a mere aquaintence who happens to be despicable person.  The next time she calls you, in "cool and distant" voice, just say that you are incredibly busy and your calendar is full and you'll call her "sometime after the holidays".  If she persists in calling or emailing you after that, don't answer.  She's a racist....not dumb....she'll get the message.