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Registered: ‎03-25-2010

Re: Did You Ever Lose a Very Expensive Piece of Jewelry

Several years back my mother thought she had lost her 25th anniversary 7-stone diamond band ring - they had gone on vacation to see family in GA & FL; after getting home she couldn't find the ring, thought maybe she had left it in a Hotel they had stayed in so called and checked but no luck, she looked around the house and no luck finding it so Dad called the insurance company and filled a claim. They got the check and mom went out and bought a new ring (totatally different style).


Then a year or two later she was going through some stuff and found the older ring (turns out she didn't take it on vacation but had hidden it away so good she didn't remember where when she got home). So Dad got home from work and Mom showed him what she found - called and insurance said to either return one of the rings or send back the money, they sent back the money and she kept both rings.

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Registered: ‎11-08-2020

Re: Did You Ever Lose a Very Expensive Piece of Jewelry

@itsmagic @Your story sounds like my mom's.  She lost her diamond ring.  Found it months later wrapped in a Kleenex in her glasses case.  What a relief!  LM