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Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of food and text

Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of cat and text that says 'Save a Life! BANG ON YOUR HOOD BEFORE STARTING YOUR CAR! PLEASE SHARE'

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of hawk and nature

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of outdoors, tree and indoor

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

It was bitter around here yesterday and I was grateful that the wind wasn't as bad as on Monday.  My eldest niece and her husband have been vaxxed and boosted and her small kids (6 and 10) have been fully vaccinated.  She texted me and my sister with an invitation for Christmas Eve (my choice of time).  We haven't really seen the family since Zoe's birthday in March 2020 so I said, sure how about 1'ish on Christmas Eve. 


Her mother, my sister will be in heaven 5 years this week and her sister, my other niece lost her freakin mind and now has turned anit-vax.  I figure we (my sister and I) can go over there since everyone is vaxxed.  I ain't gonna lie, I will probably be a little twitchy about taking my mask off once I get there.  It's not that I don't have faith in the vaccine; my fear is being a carrier and killing my birds.  I'm seeing more reports of different kinds of animals being vaccinated against Covid-19.  I don't know if my birds could catch it.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of bird, nature and text

Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

May be an image of tree and text that says '::: Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion. -Lorraine Anderson'

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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

@Bird mama 


I wish more people were like you regarding the virus situation. My family is all vaccinated. Our GS will get his 2nd dose next Friday. (he is 8) We all wear our masks everywhere. Even though we are vaxed it is not a 100% coverage for some. We aren't taking any more chances then we have to. I am so upset with some of the people from our church. They have turned this into  a free for all I guess I could say. Too many aren't vaxed or wear masks. We have several members who have covid/Delta So we have been missing A LOT of church which I don't like, but it is what it is. I think the Good Lord understands. 

Since I am the caregiver to my DH and GS and my health is not the greatest, I just want to stay as healthy as I can so I can be here for them. Some people just don't get it I guess, that's why we wear masks even when we are vaccinated. 


It was nice and sunny here this morning and early afternoon, but is clouding up now. I think it is 26 degrees out now. Heat wave~~  Not as windy as it has been earlier in the week. 


I boxed up 4 big boxes and a couple of large bags of stuff to drop off at the mission store. I can't get over how stuff accumulates around here. Now, I need to get on getting my cards made out and get them in the mail tomorrow. I don't send as many as I use to years ago. I think I use to send out close to 100. Now it is more like 25 . lol

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Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

You know @Leeny  if my younger niece hadn't lost her mind and the older niece (there are only 2) had her for company around the holidays I may have found someway to beg off.  I scheduled both doses for younger niece (to be clear we are talking about a 39 year old Woman Indifferent) and she got the first one.  A couple of days before she was due for the second dose her kid, her man and she got coronavirus.  All of this was in May.  Her man - they got engaged in the summer - figured covid was no big shakes so either he brought it home or my great niece brought it home.  Now man could have picked it up from work - he's a trades worker like electrician or that.  Now her kid could have picked it up from school or her father (also an a-hole)my niece's ex-huband.


However you slice it, there is enough stupid to go around.  There was a maximum time between first and second shot for it to be effective and I kept reminding my niece that she had until such and such date to get the second shot.  She never went.


My only other living sister, the one I talk about and I drove to anti-vax niece house around Memorial Day to drop off great niece's birthday present early (kid was born in September).  My sister bought kid another American Girl doll and wanted kill to be able to play with it during summer when school was out.  Niece wanted to show me and sister house she and her fiance (I'm not sure how to spell it when it's a man) bought last November.  When sister told me this I said, look I'll drive you - that place is a covid pit and they are shedding virus and I ain't going in.  We chatted (I was masked) on the front porch briefly and then we left.  God was good to me that day because it was raining buckets and I had an excuse.


Eldest niece has underlying medical condition (nothing debilitating - blood clotting factor issue) and she hasn't seen her sister in a long time.  No entry in the eldest niece house unless vacinnated and you know what?  I don't blame her.


My eldest niece has one sister and two aunts.  The two aunts will be there for Christmas. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,912
Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: December 2021 Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama 

Isn't it something what people do and then still do the same thing again and again.?? Why are people so set against protecting themselves? It's not like they are super humans. I for one am not willing to play Russian Roulette with my health or my loved ones. 


Mr.L's side of the family are all anti vaccinations. He calls them all Covid Country Contributors. My SIL just passed away and nobody contacted us to let us know. We had to hear it through the grapevine. This was Mr.L's brother's wife.  Did she have covid? who knows. Her daughter passed in Feb. and we never heard anything directly then either. We don't do Facebook or any of that social media jazz. It's like his relatives don't want us

know what is going on or why. I think they think we are already dead and gone. It's all just down right pathetic. I hate to say it, but I don't see things changing anytime soon or ever at this rate.

Remember this: You can't fix stupid. You take care Birdie.Heart