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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Daily Positive Thread for Sunday

Hello everyone!  We are leaving now. Have a blessed weekend!  


Get outside of yourself and be outgoing for others. Lord, help me
to act in a heartwarming manner so that Your presence in me lights
an entire room. 
S C R I P T U R E   F O R   T H E   D A Y 

"He must increase, but I must decrease."  ~John 3:30

M E D I T A T I O N   F O R   T H E   D A Y 

We can try to stand aside and let God work through us.  We can try not
to block God off by our own efforts, or prevent God's spirit from
working through us.  God desires our obedient service and our loyalty
to the ideals of the new life we are seeking.  If we are loyal to God,
He can give us protection against mistakes.  God's spirit can plan for
us and secure for us a sufficiency of all spiritual help.  We can have
true victory and real success, if we will put ourselves in the
background and let God work through us.

P R A Y E R   F O R   T H E   D A Y 

I pray that I may not interfere with the working of God's spirit in me
and through me.  I pray that I may give it full rein.
Lenten Reflections by Bishop Robert Barron
Lent Day 11
Suffering and Salvation

There are times when the saving quality of our suffering is relatively easy to understand (even if it’s hard to bear). When a mother stays up all night, depriving herself of sleep, in order to care for a sick child, she is carrying his burden, suffering so that some of his suffering might be alleviated. When a person willingly bears an insult, and refuses to fight back or return insult for insult, he is suffering for the sake of love.

I’ll give you two more dramatic examples. First is Maximilian Kolbe. When a prisoner escaped from Auschwitz in the summer of 1942, the Nazi soldiers imposed their penalty. They took all of the prisoners from the escapees’ barracks and lined them up and then at random chose a man to be put to death in retaliation. When the man broke down in tears, protesting that he was the father of young children, a quiet bespectacled man stepped forward and said, “I am a Catholic priest; I have no family. I would like to die in this man’s place.”

Here, with brutal clarity, we can see the relationship between salvation and suffering willingly accepted. St. Maximilian Kolbe was consciously participating in the act of his Master, making up, in Paul’s language, what is still lacking in the suffering of Christ (Colossians 1:24).

And then there is St. Francis of Assisi, from whom Pope Francis took his name. Among the many stories told of St. Francis, one of the most affecting is that concerning his encounter with a leprous man.

Young Francis had a particular revulsion for leprosy. Whenever he saw someone suffering from that disease, he would run in the opposite direction. One day, he saw a leper approaching, and he sensed the familiar apprehension and disgust. But then he decided, under the inspiration of the Gospel, to embrace the man, kiss him, and give him alms. Filled with joy, Francis made his way up the road. When he turned around, he discovered the man gone, disappeared.

Once again, suffering was the concrete expression of love.

Tax Free

A tax assessor came one day to a poor pastor to determine 
the amount of taxes the pastor would have to pay.   

The following conversation took place: 

"What property do you possess?"  asked the assessor. 
"I am a very wealthy man," replied the minister. 
"List your possessions, please," the assessor instructed. 
The pastor said: 

"First, I have everlasting life, 
 John 3:16
Second, I have a mansion in heaven, 
 John 14:2. 
Third, I have peace that passes all understanding, 
 Philippians 4:7. 
Fourth, I have joy unspeakable, 
 1 Peter 1:8. 
Fifth, I have divine love which never fails, 
 1 Corinthians 13:8. 
Sixth, I have a faithful pious wife, 
 Proverbs, 31:10. 
Seventh, I have healthy, happy obedient children, 
 Exodus 20:12
Eighth, I have true, loyal friends, 
 Proverbs 18:24
Ninth, I have songs in the night, 
 Psalms 42:8. 
Tenth, I have a crown of life, 
 James 1:12." 

The tax assessor closed his book, and said, "Truly you 
are a very rich man, but your property is not subject 
to taxation."              - Author Unknown 

I pray that all of us will have this kind of tax free "wealth."

Prayer to Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

O good St. Gabriel, God inspired you to love the passion of Jesus as it was reflected in the heart of Mary, his mother. By her side, you stood beneath the cross of Jesus, gazing on him as she did, and sharing her compassion.

O St. Gabriel, we wish, like you, to grow in love for God and all his people. Remember us in the trials of our life. Remember especially those who are young and in need.

Support us, all our days, by your holy prayers. And when this life is done, may we join you in heaven in the joyful company of Jesus and Mary. 

A Prayer for Lent

"Lord, I know You are with me today in all my adversities, my sorrows and pain. You have said: "Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find, Knock and the door will be opened unto you." Today, dear Jesus, I ask, I seek and I knock. Help me now to be able to hand all over to You and to accept the outcome. Not my will be done but Thine."


The Greatness of Prayer


Prayer is joy,
prayer is love,
prayer is peace.
You cannot explain it,
you must experience prayer.
It is not impossible.
God gives it for the asking.
"Ask and you shall receive."
The father knows what to give his children
- how much more our heavenly
Father knows.

Just What I Need

Dear God, give me strength to do what I must
And to remember that it's You who I should trust.
Let me be kind in my words today
Despite my pain, I'll have nice things to say.

Show me Your wisdom found deep in Your Word 
Perhaps there's a message I have not yet heard.
When I want to give up; keep me close to You
So I know You are with me no matter what I go through.

Those times when I stumble and fall right on my face 
Remind me it's because I stepped out of my place.
You are my Healer and time is Your key
Someday soon there will be a miracle in me.

Waiting on You God, is a step of faith and hope 
But knowing You're faithful is just how I cope. 
This illness can't last forever, so in You I rest 
Trusting always in the One who knows best.

- Author Unknown
Christian One Liners

Don't let your worries get the

best of you; remember, Moses started

out as a basket case.


Some people are kind, polite, and

sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.


Many folks want to serve God,

but only as advisors.


It is easier to preach ten sermons

than it is to live one.


The good Lord didn't create anything

without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.


When you get to your wit's end,

you'll find God lives there.


People are funny; they want the front

of the bus, the middle of the road, and

the back of the church..


Opportunity may knock once, but temptation

bangs on your front door forever.


Quit griping about your church;

if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.


If the church wants a better preacher,

it only needs to pray for the one it has.


God Himself does not propose to judge

a man until he is dead. So why should you?


Some minds are like concrete

thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


Peace starts with a smile.


I don't know why some people

change churches; what difference does

it make which one you stay home from?


A lot of church members who are singing

'Standing on the Promises'

are just sitting on the premises.


We were called to be witnesses,

not lawyers or judges..


Be ye fishers of men. You catch

them - He'll clean them.


Coincidence is when God

chooses to remain anonymous.


Don't put a question mark

where God put a period.


Don't wait for 6 strong men

to take you to church.


Forbidden fruits create many jams.


God doesn't call the qualified,

He qualifies the called.


God grades on the cross, not the curve.


God loves everyone, but probably prefers

'fruit of the spirit' over a 'religious nut!'


God promises a safe landing,

not a calm passage.


He who angers you, controls you!


If God is your Co-pilot - swap seats!



Don't give God instructions -- just report for duty!


The task ahead of us is never as

great as the Power behind us.


The Will of God never takes you to

where the Grace of God will not protect you..


We don't change the message,

the message changes us


You can tell how big a person is

by what it takes to discourage him.


The best mathematical equation

I have ever seen:

1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.

Verse of the Day

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

1 Peter 2:9

February 20 - Jesus Calling

Learn to live from your true Center in Me. I reside in the deepest depths of your being, in eternal union with your spirit. It is at this deep level that My Peace reigns continually. You will not find lasting peace in the world around you, in circumstances, or in human relationships. The external world is always in flux—under the curse of death and decay. But there is a gold mine of Peace deep within you, waiting to be tapped. Take time to delve into the riches of My residing Presence. I want you to live increasingly from your real Center, where My Love has an eternal grip on you. I am Christ in you, the hope of Glory.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
—Colossians 3:15

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
—Colossians 1:27

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Posts: 1,181
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Sunday

Enjoy your visit Gloria.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,895
Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Sunday

[ Edited ]

I hope you have a wonderful time.