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@Alsace Gal wrote:

@kindred cats wrote:

@Alsace Gal .... I'd confront her for the money in cash.  Have her go to her bank and withdraw it for you.




I wonder if you can dispute the charges on your Costco Visa card if, in fact, you use that charge card for purchases.  Probably a long shot since technically the Costco employee let you pay for her goods on your card.  But that's against their policy!!!


In any event, I'd never take her again.  The Dragon in me! Cat Mad

I'm just about positive you can. For food and everyday Items I use my credit union debit card. I never thought of getting a Costco Visa Card. Thank you.

Why in the world is Costco liable for these charges? Talk about accountability and ethics. Thats like charging McDonalds for having a heart attack. 

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I don't know if you have used this form of payment but it is called Zelle..She goes to her bank account and sends you the money immediately. All you need is an email or a US mobile phone number. You get the money. No check no worrying about payment. Try it. It is on your mobile app.

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@Alsace Gal 


In one of your post responses, you mentioned that not only does she have a car but that she is also a Uber driver.


Ask her how much a ride to Costco would be.  Then multiply it by 4 ( two to go and two to return ) and ADD that to what she owes you.


The fact that she helped you lift things without being asked after your sister passed, does not give her the right to abuse your kindness.


We teach others how to treat us by our behaviors.  She needs a refresher course.  My words to her: until you reimburse me in cash for the two Costco shopping trips, I am unavailable to provide chauffeur service.


Isn't there curbside pickup service at Costco or even home delivery ?  She'll probably need a membership card for this....hers !


( If in the future after reimbursable, I will wait in the car while you handle your Costco errands. )

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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@Alsace Gal 

I haven't read any of the other replies yet, but I just have to say that your neighbor is using you as a doormat, and you are allowing it.  Taking someone to the store is one thing, but it should be a store that she is authorized to use (has a membership) and she needs to pay the cashier, not you. 


This situation is ridiculous.  You have to speak up for yourself even if it makes you uncomfortable.  This woman sounds like a con artist and you are her mark. If you keep this up, you have only yourself to blame. 

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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@Alsace Gal Good. Cash the check and then INSIST she pay for Trip #1 and tell her you are no fool.

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I sure hope you don't ever go anywhere with this neighbor ever again. Sounds like she played you like a fiddle. Terrible! 

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@elated  Um no. The last thing the OP needs is to get involved with that creep in any way financially. Bad idea. She's stated she will cash the check tomorrow.

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@Alsace Gal wrote:

@kindred cats wrote:

@Alsace Gal .... I'd confront her for the money in cash.  Have her go to her bank and withdraw it for you.




I wonder if you can dispute the charges on your Costco Visa card if, in fact, you use that charge card for purchases.  Probably a long shot since technically the Costco employee let you pay for her goods on your card.  But that's against their policy!!!


In any event, I'd never take her again.  The Dragon in me! Cat Mad

I'm just about positive you can. For food and everyday Items I use my credit union debit card. I never thought of getting a Costco Visa Card. Thank you.



@kindred cats, there's nothing Cosco can do even if she had a Cosco Visa Card. How would they know that the items were not for @Alsace Gal , and if she were to tell them that she used her Membership Card for someone else, if it's against the rules to do so she could lose her Membership.


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 I wouldn't have anything else to do with this person.

 If her bank can't honor her check, I would inform her to cough up the cash or face arrest for writing a cold check.

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Registered: ‎10-22-2018

Back again. I wouldn't be surprised if this neighbor was a drug addict. Drug addicts are sociable and charming, and then they start lying and stealing from you.


I had a primary physician who was perfect until he got addicted.


It's everywhere.