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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

Wow..... I had no idea that some places are still hunkered down under Covid protocols. I'm just astounded that kids are still being home schooled. Why? What is the fear? After 3 years and life having returned to normal, the vast majority of kids don't have a grandparent or caregiver who can devote their day to school work. I rather than knocking those unfortunate kids who are being deprived an education, you should feel sorry for them because they'll probably never recover academically after years of home schooling.  

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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

@Lilysmom1  This is not a good foundation that this kid is getting. A first grader learning remotely is not helpful to this child for so many reasons. A grandmother sitting next to him for two years will put this child behind for the rest of his life, socially and mentally. By keeping him isolated he is not building up any type of immunity to anything out there.   The poster has posted several times this same post and received the same feedback, I am not sure of her reasons for posting.

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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

[ Edited ]

@Foxxee No, schools aren't afraid to discipline, they are not permitted to do much of anything. When I was in the middle school level there was a girl who would refuse to go to classes. She would either just get up out of her seat and leave the class or wander around campus. I was baffled why our admin didn't do anything. I was working in the health office so I was far removed from the main office. I finally approached admin and asked why we don't make her go to class. They said legally there wasn't anything they could do. We cannot physically touch any student so if she removed herself from class and refused to go back, staff and counselors would speak to her but ultimately, she could do what she wanted.


Oh, yes, the parents were notified. Let's just say, we learned why their children behaved this way. And, the district told the parents they would have to hold her back a year due to her absence and the parents refused. You can't force a student to learn or force retention. It was an upsetting situation to say the least. 

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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

If a parent chooses remote learning, then it is their responsibility to make sure the child is up and prepared. It’s that simple.


If the child is still in bed or does not have required material, then the school should require they return to in class instruction.


Not complicated at all. There is a consequence to every action.


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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

Some people should not be parents..

Your family is lucky to have you and that you were able to spend the precious time with your grandchild.  He will be better off for the time you took with him during a trying time.

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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

@Goodie2shoes   I, too was a hands on grandmother (still am, in a way). From the time he was four or so, I took him to speech classes, and later, at regular school, I often dropped him off and picked him up at after school programs. When he was in the higher grades, I always picked him, snow or rain, spring through winter. In high school, I asked him if he wanted his Granny sitting in a car waiting for him, and through junior year, he said, of course.


My point here is -- I DID IT FOR ME AS MUCH AS FOR HIM. 


That smile when he spotted me was all I wanted. Not accolades or compliments on what a great grandmother I was. Let's get our motives straight here. We bonded over time and he is still the light of my life.  

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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

I think we would all agree that most children learn more when in a classroom setting. I applaud Grandma aka @Goodie2shoes  for helping her grandson learn while he is in this compromised learning situation. She deserves a "pat on the back" for caring for her grandson and helping him stay on his grade level.  So sad to hear that some other students are not ready for class.  As much as I believe parents are trying their best, I'm not seeing it in all of the children in this situation.  Why are children in bed clothes and not ready for class with all of their supplies at hand? They need an adult in the home to monitor their behavior.  I hope the parents of these children who are not prepared for their virtual class do not complain if their child's grade is not what they had hoped it would be. Teachers are doing their best and need support with the difficult assignment of a virtual classroom. That's my vent.

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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

[ Edited ]

@cjm61 wrote:

@Foxxee No, schools aren't afraid to discipline, they are not permitted to do much of anything.   They said legally there wasn't anything they could do.




That's what I meant.  They are afraid to do anything because of the legal repercussions.  I just didn't elaborate like you did.  



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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

@drizzellla wrote:

@Goodie2shoes  Thank you for being there for your grandson. Your time and effort is needed at that age.


Sadly, I have also seen parents exhibiting their parenting skills. I worked at a store that attracted kids and adults. It was almost always a daily occurrence that a parent would leave their child in our store and then the parent would go off into the mall to shop or eat.


Our store would get very crowded often that you couldn't always tell that a child was not accompanied by an adult. It got to the point that we would call Mall Security after an unaccompanied child was in the store for over half an hour. And some of the children were quite young. 


I had a woman screaming at me because she could not find  her son, after she had left him in our store. When she returned he was no where to be found. She said "What are you being paid for?" Guess she thought our retail store was also a babysitting service.

I happened to see my Dad after dealing with unaccompanied children and told him how lucky I was to have the parents that I did. Your Grandson is too.



That is some entitled ******. Good Lord!!


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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

@Lilysmom1  wrote: just wanted to say how very lucky your grandson is to have you in his life. I think he will carry the memory and the blessing of your support with him throughout his life. What better gift to a grandchild than to ensure, in difficult circumstances, that he gets a solid foundation built for him in the education system. Priceless. Keep doing what you do! LM



@Lilysmom1  Thank you so much !  as I said in my post, I'm just a grandma  who loves her grandchildren ( as I'm sure all grandparents love their grandchildren)and I want them to have the best opportunies possible. No I don't  like the situation being that he is not in a school building but it is what it is.  He will be back in a school building next year and I will make sure he is prepared. He is in the top of his class grade wise and it's because I make sure he completes his assignments and stays focused. His parents also help him to make sure his work is done so this is a family thing.  I wish nothing but the best for all of these children. I'm sure the teacher has been in contact with parents about some of the issues but she can only do so much.